The Satyr is ready to get the party started, even if nobody else is! Race your way to the Crown of Command, using every trick and shortcut you can think of.
Purchase this character pack to add the Satyr to your character collection. He is then available to choose in all game modes.

- Strength - 2
- Craft - 4
- Fate - 3
- Lives - 4
- Alignment - Evil
- Starting Space - Crags

- You may evade creatures and characters in the Woods and Fields.
- You may take any one Follower from a character that you land on.
- You need not roll the die in the Crags unless you wish to. If you choose to roll, you may add up to 2 to the score.
- Animals will not attack you, although you may choose to attack them.
- When you encounter another character, you may use your pipes to startle them, forcing them to ditch one of their Objects at random.
Talisman © Games Workshop Limited 1983, 1985, 1994, 2007. Talisman: Digital Edition © Games Workshop Limited 2020. Games Workshop, Talisman, Talisman: Digital Edition, the foregoing marks’ respective logos and all associated marks, logos, characters, products and illustrations from the Talisman game are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Limited 1983–2020, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Nomad Games Ltd. Nomad Games is the registered trademark Nomad Games Limited. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.