Resurrected and revamped for the latest edition, the Saracen was first seen in the original Dungeon expansion back in 1987. He has now returned to join the ranks of adventurers fighting for the Crown of Command.
A seasoned traveller, the Saracen can travel through deserts with ease. Using his years of experience leading followers through dangerous lands, he can recruit them from other players. Followers are also naturally drawn towards the Saracen, so you can grab them before defeating monsters!
Purchase the Saracen to add him to your list of available characters. She is then available to choose in all game modes.

- Strength: 4
- Craft: 3
- Lives: 4
- Fate: 2
- Start Space: Oasis

You begin the game with a Shield from the Purchase deck.
You do not lose a life in the desert.
You may attempt to recruit from a character that you land on, allowing you to take one Follower of your choice. To do so, roll one die: you must roll less than or equal to the number of Followers he has.
You may treat all Followers as if they had an encounter number of 1.
Talisman © Games Workshop Limited 1983, 1985, 1994, 2007. Talisman: Digital Edition © Games Workshop Limited 2020. Games Workshop, Talisman, Talisman: Digital Edition, the foregoing marks’ respective logos and all associated marks, logos, characters, products and illustrations from the Talisman game are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Limited 1983–2020, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Nomad Games Ltd. Nomad Games is the registered trademark Nomad Games Limited. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.