《塔科马》讲述的是发生在一个 2088 年高科技空间站上的叙事型探险故事。随着任务的进行,你将探索一群空间站已故工作人员曾经的生活和工作细节,通过追寻各种线索逐渐揭晓一个灾难故事的真相,同时在探索过程中体会人们面对灾难时所表现出的信任、恐惧和决心。
塔科马的核心是一个数字监控系统。该系统记录下了空间站工作人员生活中关键时刻的 3D 录像。在探索过程中,这些记录下的生活片段会一一呈现在你的面前。你可在物理空间中穿梭移动,并使用回退、快进功能查看这些复杂交织的场景,从各个角度审视事件,通过探索过程还原一个多层次的故事。
《塔科马》(Tacoma) 是由《Gone Home》原班创作人马倾心打造的又一力作,沿袭了《Gone Home》的优良传统,其细节清晰、叙事有力,令人仿佛身临其境,玩家将会彻底沉浸在故事情节中。
六名工作人员曾经在塔科马空间站上生活和工作,他们结下了深厚的情谊,共同经历爱与失,携手面对危机。作为一名互动调查者,你不仅可以探索这些人物曾遇到了什么事,还可以了解他们是怎样的人。这个故事将通过一系列有完整配音和动画的交互式 AR 场景来讲述,让你沉浸在塔科马上的各种事件中。
体验 2088 年的生活。通过一个宏大的虚构空间了解人类是如何探索近地轨道以及外太空的。由《Gone Home》和《BioShock 2: Minerva’s Den》幕后屡获殊荣的故事团队倾力打造,深入构想和展望未来世界。
通关《塔科马》预计需要 2 至 5 个小时。探索深度以及发现多少细节都取决于你。《塔科马》不是一款战斗型游戏,其中也没有太多的解谜内容。你可按照自己的节奏来探索故事和游戏世界的细节。
- A Richly Layered Story Experience: Six crewmembers lived and worked on space station Tacoma, forming relationships, experiencing love and loss, and facing crisis together. Discover not just what happened to these people, but what makes them who they are, through your role as an interactive investigator. The story is told through a series of fully voiced and animated interactive AR scenes, immersing you in the events on Tacoma.
- A Groundbreaking Multi-Path Story System: In each section of the station, you are surrounded by digital representations of crewmembers following their own parallel story threads that diverge, recombine, and split off again. Rewind, fast-forward, and move through these scenes' chronologies as they swirl around you. Your interactive tools allow you to discover the tightly-knotted narrative from every angle, and in every detail.
- A Deeply Interactive Gameworld: Explore Tacoma Station both physically and digitally. Unlock doors and drawers to find meaningful objects, notes, and physical artifacts, while simultaneously exploring extensive records of the crew's digital communications and personal thoughts. Every facet of the crew's experience on Tacoma is part of your investigation.
- A Vision of the Future: Experience life in the year 2088. Discover a rich fictional universe that depicts humanity's expansion into low-Earth orbit and beyond. A deeply-imagined speculative vision of the near future from the award-winning story team behind Gone Home and BioShock 2: Minerva's Den.
- A Compact Narrative Experience: Tacoma is estimated to take around 2 to 5 hours to complete. How deep you dig and how much detail you find is up to you. Tacoma is a non-combat, non-puzzle-focused game. The details of the story and gameworld are there for you to discover at your own pace.
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