Ringlorn Saga is an adventure RPG inspired by the Japanese PC classics. Prince Gerhard the Brave embarks on a journey to the neighboring land to investigate the appearance of a magic barrier that surrounds it and his father's disappearance.
A short-but-sweet Action RPG that won't hold your hand...
Ringlorn Saga is an adventure RPG inspired by the Japanese PC classics. Prince Gerhard the Brave embarks on a journey to the neighboring land to investigate the appearance of a magic barrier that surrounds it and his father's disappearance.
A short-but-sweet Action RPG that won't hold your hand nor waste your time
Explore the world, find new gear and valuable items, and get stronger while fighting a variety of enemies
Stumble upon hidden events and quests
Simple but nuanced mechanics and controls
8-bit style visuals and sound inspired by MSX
CRT filter for an authentic retro experience
If you ever get lost, have a drink with the bard
Cover artwork and logo by Attila Bertold Bozó (Twitter: @0atis0)