如果您在本次的 出版商特卖中 有购买或是拥有Deep Silver出版的游戏,就可以获得一份Deadlight: Director's Cut。本活动将在2021年3月22日UTC时间下午2点结束。
The enchanting and highly atmospheric official soundtrack has been made available for purchase due to popular demand.
Let the music bring you back to your journeys across Cierzo, Enmerkar forest, th...
The enchanting and highly atmospheric official soundtrack has been made available for purchase due to popular demand.
Let the music bring you back to your journeys across Cierzo, Enmerkar forest, the Levant and beyond.
The entire soundtrack was composed specifically for the game by Canadian musician and composer Jean- François Racine; who helped define the game’s tone of threat and wonder with his melodies.