Set to the backdrop of a flooded post-apocalyptic Earth, Highwater Pirate Radio features an electric, moody soundtrack of music that perfectly mirrors the somber, oftentimes brutal, yet surprisingly hopeful atmosphere of the world. Vibe on tracks simultaneously sad and beautiful, like The World Ende...
Set to the backdrop of a flooded post-apocalyptic Earth, Highwater Pirate Radio features an electric, moody soundtrack of music that perfectly mirrors the somber, oftentimes brutal, yet surprisingly hopeful atmosphere of the world. Vibe on tracks simultaneously sad and beautiful, like The World Ended on a Sunny Day and Hotel Weltschmerz or drift by ruined cityscapes to upbeat electronica. With more than two hours of original music complemented by harmonized vocals and catchy rhythms, Highwater will remain with you long after you stop listening.
[3:03] The World Ended on a Sunny Day (ft. Mina Spiler)
[7:15] Slim Pickings
[6:55] Raise Your Ropes
[8:02] Deeper Waters
[4:29] Hello Creatures
[7:02] Down The River
[3:20] Flood the Gates
[7:04] Hard to Port
[3:40] I Yearn (ft. Ana Curcin)
[7:38] Fourlorn
[2:52] Homecoming
[9:16] No Time For Tales
[4:51] Genex
[8:00] Hard to Starboard
[5:10] Take the Plunge
[4:16] Olas de Más Allá (ft. Tamara Jokic)
[7:20] Safe Harbour
[6:57] The Albatross
[6:24] Return to Source
[3:01] They Don't Give a Kazoo (Troubadour Version)