通过后末世双倍僵尸包获取Dead Age和Dead Age 2和Dead Age 2原声带,与临时社会的幸存者们一起对抗入侵者和成群不死生物。
Dead Age
在丧尸灾难爆发的伊始,你幸运地加入了一个幸存者阵营,在他们的营地里安顿了下来。 但是你还没有脱离险境!食物补给开始短缺,受伤的幸存者们需要得到治疗,为了...
"The apocalyptic atmosphere of the Dead Age 2 soundtrack comes from the depths of my heart, creating longing atmospheres, coupled with a feeling of hope and darkness at once. The sound of minor chords always was my favorite. The special part about this soundtrack is the pairing of modern sounds and beats, which support the battle scenes and give them even more depth. Every single track tells its own story. If you want to join this journey, take your headphones and listen with closed eyes..."
-- Sven Gerlach, composer of the Dead Age 2 soundtrack