《Call of the Sea》的原声音轨包含22首歌曲,由 Eduardo de la Iglesia专为这款游戏倾心谱写。
Eduardo de la Iglesia绝妙的乐曲将伴你潜入太平洋深处未知的无垠空间。哈里与诺拉相亲相爱,他们常以充满爱意的昵称“老朋友”(Old Pal)称呼彼此,恰好呼应了战后Harold Robe与Gitz Rice创作、John McCormack演唱的经典金曲《Dear Old Pal of Mine》。Eduardo为这首歌曲改编一个钢琴版本,由诺拉和哈里的配音演员Cissy Jones和Yuri Lowenthal倾情演唱。
《Call of the Sea》的原声音轨包含22首歌曲,由 Eduardo de la Iglesia专为这款游戏倾心谱写。
Eduardo de la Iglesia绝妙的乐曲将伴你潜入太平洋深处未知的无垠空间。哈里与诺拉相亲相爱,他们常以充满爱意的昵称“老朋友”(Old Pal)称呼彼此,恰好呼应了战后Harold Robe与Gitz Rice创作、John McCormack演唱的经典金曲《Dear Old Pal of Mine》。Eduardo为这首歌曲改编一个钢琴版本,由诺拉和哈里的配音演员Cissy Jones和Yuri Lowenthal倾情演唱。
Eduardo为了致敬塔希提舞蹈,汲取了法属波利尼西亚迷人的文化元素,创作了一支阿帕利玛舞曲,并由其父亲、多年演唱的才华歌者Ángel de la Iglesia献声。
《Call of the Sea》的主题曲令冒险、神秘、浪漫与伤感浑然相融,恰如其分地渲染了游戏的气氛,并将带你踏上这座神秘的无人海岛。请与我们一同踏上冒险之旅。
[1:46] Main Theme
[2:03] Recurrent Lucid Dream
[1:34] Te Reo O Te R'ai
[2:06] 74 Miles East
[1:36] Campsite
[1:13] Professor Everhart's Theme
[1:10] Black Sand Beach
[1:57] Rain
[1:10] Family Heirloom
[0:58] Amphitheatre
[2:27] Hallowed Ground
[1:34] Dry Ocean
[1:12] The Unknown
[2:10] The Slaves
[1:06] Deep
[1:24] Pierced by Underground Currents
[2:53] The Sanctuary
[2:03] Revelation
[1:31] Everhart
[1:07] Home
[4:51] Harry's Letters
[3:21] My Dear Old Pal
[1:05] The Only Thing I Have Now
All tracks composed, produced, and mixed by Eduardo de la Iglesia.
“Te Reo O Te R'ai” sung by Ángel de la Iglesia.
“My Dear Old Pal” sung by Cissy Jones and Yuri Lowenthal. Vocal arrangement by Kyle Puccia. Piano performance and theme arrangement by Eduardo de la Iglesia.