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And have demos marked as such.
Like old times, peoples have the the right to try a piece of the game before buying it, both for testing if how it works on the computer and if it can be liked or not. Why we don't see anymore demo today?
It would be niece, if there would be the possibility to try a game before buying. But please do not list it like other games as a normal entry in the store, but add another button in the original game site below or beside the "buy"-button.
Yes, demos please. But no timers. Timers ruin demos. Just create an invisible wall so I can play the demo as long as I want please. This matters to me because I want to enjoy the demo (if I like it) until the actual game comes out. timed demos are torture because you get locked out and that just sucks.
gog need to do this its already free thing and other demo sites so annoying. steam demos annoying too. some demos like quke 3 or nocturne its even better than orginal game. for old games if demo work 100 final game will work you too.
Some demos for the old games, ex. Fallout 1 or Jagged Alliance 2 are also special due to the fact that they feature unique demo maps or early gameplay elements not seen in the final version – these are interesting to play even for people who own the base game and downloading them from GOG would sure be more welcome than searching the net avoiding dead links and broken files, or even malware in not-so-extreme cases.
Also, some game engine recreations let users to download the free demos legally to test things up if one want to fiddle with the engines.
Finally, demos are nice way to tell your friends to check the game out before they decide they like it or not, words and videos can only do so much.
Unreliable reviews get me to spend money on games I end up hating. Demos would let me decide for myself. Either that or add a feature where you can return a game after a few hours if you end up disliking it.
Demos for e.g. 'The Dig®' and 'Albion' were available back in the day. The lion's share of the work has already been done...
The video game market is flooded with games of all genres and concepts. Back in the day demos were a helpful feature to determine whether a game was for you or not, but that practice has died out in recent years. To this day if I'm not sure about a game, I just won't bother buying it. A demo feature or a "try before you buy" feature would be perfect.
Be very careful about how.
Boxed Halo 2 has a demo mode: let you play the first level without _activating_ it.
I sometimes do demos from Steam to find out if I like the game and if I am physically able to play it. That was how I picked Gabriel Knight 20th anniversary.
The problem comes in when I want to buy it on GOG and I lose the first chapter I played at Steam.
This is simply good business because players don't want to have to replay the entire beginning again to purchase here.
How is this not a feature?
Surprised this honestly doesn't have more votes.
Demos have definitely been a big help in determining which games I want to buy in the past. A lot of games on GOG had free demos in the past, it would be a good thing to add those to the site.
Adding demos when possible is an essential feature all good game store should have.
Demos are a great way of helping people decide if a game is to their liking. I've read many glowing reviews for games which I've then bought and found I didn't enjoy at all. I used to spend about $30 a month buying PC magazines that had cover disks (like PC Gamer) just because of the demos. Also, if a demo wouldn't work on my rig I knew the full game was also unlikely to work. Only caught out once where demo worked but full game didn't.
Seriously, how comes that this is not a feature yet???? It's a shame that steam provides demos for the games that have one available and yet GOG doesn't. That means everytime I find a game in GOG that I'm interested in and I want to try it first, I end up going to Steam to play it there.... it SUCKS!!
I would love demo's. I'm quite picky with the games I like, and often times a gameplay video doesn't convey enough information for me to make a educated purchase. I have to play the game myself to know that I like it.
As it stands right now, I often just play games I have purchased for little less than 20 minutes and then decide it's not me. If it wasn't for sales, I would be much more dissapointed, however I'm still disappointed when I purchase a game I end up not liking.
Demos for old games are just as important as demos for new games. There are games I played as a kid which I bought on GOG decades later, and discovered that the games weren't as amazing as I remembered. I'd like the option to test a game before buying it so that I'm not duped by my own romanticised childhood memories!
GOG should at least add demos for games which have demos on other sites.
i bought "defenders quest" only because of its very good implemented demo.
Maybe an info if a demo is available and then a link to the developer/publisher site where the demo can be dl'd, would be enough. Gog shouldn't host the demos itself. But I am for demos, so - voted!
This would be really handy now that the site also offers newer games. It's less important for the classics because not only do people usually no longer have to worry about whether the game runs well enough, but also they buy them mostly because they know them or on reputation, so they know what to expect. For first-release games, in contrast, it's very helpful to see how it plays and feels.
So yes, I see it not being worth the bother for re-releases, but for première titles it would be nice if we don't have to search other sites for the demo, but it could be somehow integrated into the site experience.
Where they're available, of course.
Demos seem to be dying off, but I like to see how a new game will run on my ageing rig before I buy.
Demos would be very welcome. I joined GOG not just for the great, classic games, but also because the bulk of these oldies should work fine on my PC; which, whilst powerful, isn't a dedicated modern gaming machine GPU-wise.
So whilst demos would obviously be handy for everyone; they are essential for someone in my position in cases where I'm uncertain if a newer 'old' game will work on my gear.
Definitely. If is not too much work to make them work in new systems like the complete game, they should always include the demo. Example: Painkiller has a demo, and was that demo what convinced me to buy it. Grid has a demo, which I'm willing to try. At least for games of 10+ they should publish the demo always if available
If really a good old game doesn't have a demo version - no problem, many people may already know about it. If it's a legend, I'll probably heard a lot about this game already and can make a decision to buy it or not.
Different case is for new indi-games. For example, the only thing that prevents me from buying Inquisitor is that it don't have demo to try it on. Here the explanation is simple: Inquisitor doesn't have a demo version at all, as I know. But in common case a game has a demo, so it would be natural to have a demo, especially for GOG exclusives.
Obviously, not all games will have demos. But for those games that have demos, I am sure the publisher would be happy to cooperate.
Demos would be nice. I mean it's great that you have screen shots and all but Demos or at the very least gameplay footage would be helpful .
As in actual gameplay footage.
demos sound like a great idea i mean i dont want to buy an old game and it not work on modern machines and waste money this sounds good i would use it
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At least where a demo exists and would require minimal work to bring in, yes this would be awesome. :)
Excellent idea. Would be sure to boost sales and get users interested in more games.
As SpunkyMonkey2 said: "I like this idea, even for old games, as it would be nice to a) try a game before committing to a purchase and b) know that the game (especially very old games) will work well on my modern hardware." Demo Doesn't have to be something special. Small, maybe Time limited. I think that 30 minutes max would be enough to test all - game settings and the game itself. Best Regards
I can't imagine it'd take more than two minutes to tweak a DosBox configuration to run the demo, since the requirements are usually the same as the full game, so... yeah, I'd say this sounds like a great idea! It's already great that the freebie games let you see for yourself how effective they are at making DOS games run on new computers, but not all DOS games have the same issues. Just 'cause your compy will run Ultima IV just fine doesn't mean squat about Tomb Raider, for instance. I've no idea what goes into making any other old game work on new machines, though, so I can't really give an opinion there.
Games on GOG are dirt cheap, and very few of them are not worth the price. Demos are only useful for a few games, which have a demo that is significantly different from the full version, like Megarace 2
Yes. pretty much what everybody else is saying. Its nice to get a feel for something before committing but more importantly it'd allow me to be sure it'll run alright. I think it'd increase sales since I'm probably not the only one whos balked a few games I saw on sale because I wasn't sure how they'd run(more as a new customer than now of course but thats where alot of customer appeal and rention problems crop up anyway so its a good place to focus)
I like this idea, even for old games, as it would be nice to a) try a game before committing to a purchase and b) know that the game (especially very old games) will work well on my modern hardware.
I'd like to use GOG for demos of newer games instead of other websites (ofc, if it exists).
It would be cool if I can check my notebook can handle game before purchase.
Even though these are old games my laptop is so bad it lags with some of them... So I always try a demo unless it is like duke nukem 3d.... I would love demos
On one hand I hate this idea, on the other I can imagine that this could increase sales and even attract customers. IMHO it's enough if they continue posting trailers and also add some vids for those games, that don't have any yet.
This. Demos. x1000. Especially now that you're starting to distribute new games as well, like the Alan Wake games.
Onlive and GAIKAI demos, please. Thanks!
Demos almost always result in boost of sales. Please implement this.
i have mentioned this to them before we need to share this with everyone on the site get it a lot more votes i would really like to see demo's or limited trials of some games there have been some ive looked at but been unsure of i dont want to buy a game then find i dont like it
Many demos of new games have bundled DRM or STEAM-like copy protection built right into them. This would have to be removed by GOG with the approval of the distributors prior to offering said demos on GOG.
I'm 100% behind this, demos can influence the decision-making process more than reviews ever can. I HATE limited time-trials, if they had to do something like this it's better to be area-locked, rather than forcing people to rush through to see as much content as possible.
Trials with limited time is better I think.
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