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Blacklist (like opposite of wishlist) for games
Count me in; I'd love to just type pub:Kagura_Games into a nice box somewhere and be done with ever seeing their titles. If a simple imageboard can do this, so can GOG.
I support this, I have very little hope though.
I agree with an older comment on here that it should just be some kind of 'Hidden' list. Blacklist is a lil too harsh sounding.
Yes please, there's many games I've determined I specifically don't want to play or buy, and I don't want to see games I already know I don't want, suggested in the store page.
These days with the influx of "woke" games, I think this deserves a bump.
Friendly post so people notice this wish in the recently active wishlist items!
Friendly post so people notice this wish in the recently active wishlist items!
Friendly post so people notice this wish in the recently active wishlist items!
Friendly post so people notice this wish in the recently active wishlist items!
Friendly post so people notice this wish in the recently active wishlist items!
Would be a great idea so I can blacklist woke Devs and publishers like Paradox interactive and any other dev/publisher who tries to push woke or political agenda's.
"Blacklist" is a pretty harsh word. Why not just call it a Hide button? Maybe something like how Netflix greys out (or used to) items you've downvoted.
polite bump for visibility in the recent list
polite bump for visibility in the recent list
polite bump for visibility in the recent list
The store already offers a wishlist but not a blacklist.
There may be games I've already looked at and I have decided I don't want at all for whatever reason be it I already own it elsewhere or me knowing it's not a game for me.
When browsing, coming up to the same game over and over again without any marking that I checked it and don't like it does become annoying.
In addition, I believe blacklisted entries should be hidden by default and become visible through a checkbox. If not a good option, make them have a "blacklisted" mark and different background to show the entry has been blacklisted (there's already one for wishlisted btw).
polite bump for visibility in the recent list
polite bump for visibility in the recent list
I would love this feature. aaaaaaaaaah it would be so cool, make searching easier :D
I would like a blacklist to hide all games that I have no interest in, from ever showing up in sales. A similar feature could also be implemented to permanently hide from sale all games that are in my library. Both of these features would help save valuable time when searching the list of games for sale. Less time wasted looking at the same games and page loads. That is going to increase the chances of an impulse buy. Having to wade through lots of cruft titles gives me time to talk myself out of buying anything. Then I miss the sale.
polite bump
P.s. (it also goes back down very quickly because all other wishlist items have active users doing things, so it's only a temporary boost in visibility)
@fisk It sends it up to the top of the recent list
quick polite post
I don't believe that multiple posts by the same person actually bumps the wishlist entry, only multiple people commenting.
Yes please!
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the recent list) so people who sort by most recently are more likely to spot this wishlist item. Just a hopeful attempt at getting more people to notice this wish!
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the recent list) so people who sort by most recently are more likely to spot this wishlist item. Just a hopeful attempt at getting more people to notice this wish!
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the recent list) so people who sort by most recently are more likely to spot this wishlist item. Just a hopeful attempt at getting more people to notice this wish!
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the recent list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the recent list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the list)
a quick and polite post (for visibility in the list)
Please let this be noticed
It seems that when someone posts a comment in a wish page like this, the wish gets sent to the top of the list where it is more visible. I noticed this because I saw others making posts so that their wish was more visible for a short while. I say a short while because even after the wish is at the top of the list, it is quickly sent back down into the dark depths of oblivion by other people giving a +1 or posting another comment in several other wishes, so this visibility benefit is extremely short lived. The only hope a wish has of surviving is if at just the right time, a large group of people who just happen to be those who are interested in the wish just happen to be browsing the community wishlist at the same time that the wish is floating somewhere near the top of the list (and has any remote chance of being visible at all, if ever) or the wish will plunge back into the abyss very quickly. This is really sad because some wishes are simply never noticed and are constantly forever pushed down to the bottom by a constant addition of more and more new wishes. I don't really know what else to do other than post a comment in my wished every once in a while and just hope they are picked up by the community or I fear my wishes may never come true.
I want hidden/blacklisted games to completely disappear from my search results. I want them OUT of my way!
PLEASE LET US BLACKLIST DEVELOPERS WE DON'T LIKE SO WE CAN HIDE ALL THEIR GAMES! I am sick of searching for a fun new game to buy and then I realize "Oh man It's a ubisoft game, It doesn't matter that it's on because I'm not letting my money go to ubisoft! NO WAY!" and having to exit out and keep on searching. It's a very frustrating interruption. I just want to avoid what I don't like. I'm never interested in buying a game from ubisoft, so why am I forced to have my search list full of games from them and several other developers I'm permanently NOT interested in?
This would be awesome, both for ghosting games I am not interested in AND for hiding games I own on other sites/platforms.
I guess so. A couple games on front page during sales that haven't received any serious updates that don't deserve a spot on the front page during sales.
I have long wanted a function that would help me remember games that I'm not interested in, whether it's because of bad business practices, because I've bought it elsewhere or because I've already looked it up and found it lackluster. For whatever reason I don't want to buy the game (again) and I would like some aid in remembering this so that I don't have to waste my time looking up the game again. Voted.
Eating everything is bad for the health, a personal tunable black list does allow a healthy consumption diet. Voted!
Indeed. I'd go for this. Multiple times I keep looking up games on sale and I keep seeing it ends up being some type of war-time Tank game or WW2 dogfight game I have no interest in, but I have to re-evaluate it every month or so. Then there's marking games off that I already own on say HB, and more than once have re-bought and had I noticed 10 minutes earlier after I started downloading it, I could have gotten a refund for said game.
It doesn't have to be much, either a down arrow, a strike-out on the games in question, or something else, maybe greying the game or marking it in red, or having a skull & bones on the add to cart button (actually that sounds like a good fun idea)
45 comments about this wish