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Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection
Please consider adding this gamt! An instant buy! Oh to be able to play again after so many years would be a Christmas miracle ;)
This game was a big Piece of my Childhood!! I couldn't ever buy it actually, so I just used other methods. but if it was available to buy on GOG I'd buy it instantly! Add it please!
It's such an amazing classic that I'd love to see around again!
instead of the boring new ""zoo tycoon"" available on steam.
Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection that includes all expansion packs is worthy of gog preservation provided that includes every single piece of content ever released for the game along with being compatible with modern operating systems, some resolution and widescreen fixes would help a lot too as the originals struggled with that
A real game, instant buy if available
This game was my entire childhood!!!I still have a working CD (thank god) but I don't currently have an external disk reader, and if it ever stopped working I'd be absolutely gutted. It still stands the test of time and honestly I probably enjoy it's simplicity over something like Planet Zoo.
+1 from me as well.
Great game, we need it!
Add please
Add it please
Please Gog, please make it happen. This game is practically abandonware at this point. I already have the CD but unfortunately, it no longer works. One of the best tycoon games ever made, but almost completely lost to time now.
Would be a welcome addition.
Add it! Add it! Add it!!!
Please add this game. The only place I can get it is from Amazon. Having Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection on Good Old Games would make not only my day, but many of our days as well. Please add it.
I would buy this game in a heartbeat plz GOG take my money
please bring this back i miss it so bad!!
I have nowhere to buy this game! The only official copy is on Amazon but it's only for USA customers! PLEASE WE NEED THIS!
oh god yes. i loved this game and it's prequel. modern zoo building games just... don't have the same "oomph" to them you know? i'd love to play this game again.
One can only wish
I already have a CD yet I will gladly buy it once more
I've been trying to reinstall this game from my disc copies, but to no avail. They just refuse to work. PLEASE GoG, bring this game back to life!
I spent half of my childhood playing it. Please gog bring us this game. I havent played it for about six years and I would love to have an opportunity to try this game on win 10.
Another game I would love to play again.
Please, I miss that theme song so much
we need it
i sent a request i love that game so much and would love to play it again :D
It'd be awesome to get this and Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection. It is a must have tycoon game from the golden age of the genre.
How do i buy this game. I like Zoo Tycoon 2 and Part 1 not the Ultimate collection released for X-Box or Shit box.
Only if Campaign could lock the objective completed then it would have been the best game ever. Yeah! Zoo Tycoon 1.
But it didn't work that way, so i am playing Part 2 with little dissatisfaction.
Please help me
If you do send me a friend request, please remember to check your messages! ;)
Please send me a friend request if you want this game. I will share it with you.
I have this collection and can share it.. Zoo Tycoon 2 as well. Friend me peeps.
I just started to play the new "Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection" on Xbox One and remembered how I fell in love with "Zoo Tycoon 2". Loved the Dodo bird! Would be nice to play it again!
i need this game in my hopeless life
Still hoping and wishing
Played the first Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection as a kid and loved it to death. Was never able to get my hands on 2 and would be more than happy to get it if it came to gog. Along with 1 too of course.
Love this game! Would love to see the Complete Edition on GOG
my dream is to see zoo tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection in gog translated to all languages with support for mods, I hope that one day that gog can bring this game, who knows in the future, microsoft create the zoo tycoon 3 improved without being that of xbox that has problems like lack of space or is limited space and not be able to generate puppies like zycoon 2 that could do this.
I can't find any way to buy this game in the UK so annoying
Please make this game, i miss so much to play it.
Please sell it on GOG! Amazon has a digital purchase for $20, so hope it'll be here soon.
It was one of the last good Tycoon games, before everything became "simlators".
Still hoping for this title to come around. I understand getting licensing is a nightmare though and compatibility issues is a thing?
Absolutely would love to see this on GOG. I still have the disks but I don't have a working PC with a disk drive anymore. I could buy an external optical drive but that's a lot of money for one game I already own. I would gladly purchase a digital one on GOG though.
Add this plz
I loved ZT 1/2 but 2 is easily more fun to me with the ability to do zookeeper duties and explore your zoo. I would totally by the game with all the DLC if it came to GOG!
137 comments about this wish