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Vendetta : Curse of Raven's Cry
It's time for another bump!
And another bump!
I've got it on my wishlist on Steam since it came out more or less for morbid curiosity of just how bad it is, and I tend to be more tolerant of "bad" in games than the average person (hey, I like Duke Nukem Forever, lets get that one here!). Having said that, if given a choice between buying a bad buggy game on Steam or on GOG, I'd prefer to get it on GOG DRM-free, so I reluctantly add my vote even though I doubt GOG will include this game here, but you never know, they added No Man's Sky... but then they didn't know it was bad ahead of time so... :)
The new DLC for Two Worlds II should be released on December 6. Maybe GOG will surprise us and also bring Vendetta with it? :D
Have it on Steam, but really want to see this game on GOG. Personally, I think this is nice pirate-themed game like Corsairs\Sea Dogs in some ways.
Anyway, we need more games about pirates on GOG
To kai2: It seems that almost the entire TopWare Interactive / Reality Pump catalog, which is available on Steam, is already available on GOG, except for Vendetta and Iron Sky: Invasion.
Would love to see this here alongside Reality Pump's other games. Can never have enough pirate games on GOG!
Nice looking game, from the song trailers that I saw so far at least...hopefully we will get it here
Later Raidor also added: "Once again, we do not decide what GOG has in their store. If they change their mind, we will of course supply them.".
Raidor (TopWare Interactive representative on Steam) said: "GOG did not activly said No. But they did not pick it up.".
Pretty decent pirate game. If even the Sea Dogs franchise has deserved to be on GOG, then Vendetta should definitely be here too!
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