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Unknown Realm
If you’re here because you’re interested in Unknown Realm, here's an update:
- We hosted a live beta preview of UR at Portland Retro Gaming Expo recently, where we got some fantastic feedback from players. Scott Adams (the father of interactive adventure games and OG indie dev) even showed up to check it out! You can read about that here:
- We’re most active on X (@UnknownRealmSDG)
- It appears GOG will be making changes to this space soon, so make sure you’re subscribed to our mailing list on our website if you want to stay informed about UR’s release plans. (
- We are not announcing our release date yet but we’re aiming for this year.
We’ve been working hard to make sure the game is worth the wait and worthy of the hype.
As "unknown realm" will never come out:
Sarah Jane Avory, who already pulled off several projects by herself, is working on her own Ultima-like called "Kouyate".
This already looks and sounds great, she is supported by mementomoree (gfx) and nordischsound (music).
Also, she wants no money up front ;)
This looks like a great old school CRPG! Would love to have it thru my distro platform of choice -- GOG! :)
Heard about this on the Scene World podcast, and hoping it will come out soon. Looks absolutely great, if they can get it done. Hope the devs can avoid/escape the "It's been so long now, it needs to be perfect" trap (a trap I've been caught in myself multiple times).
Just terrible how this has been managed by the publishers after an extremely successful KS campaign. There are zero updates related to the game development and backers have been badly treated and asked to support Stirring Dragon even with more money. They have never been showing any updates related to the development, except for a few short videos at the beginning. Unkown Realm has been a failure in every aspect, but the way that the publisher has been managing is even worse. Stay away from these guys.
I'm a backer, unfortunately, and in the years since the kickstarter campaign have seen nothing to convince me that the game ever existed beyond a couple of animated gifs on the campaign page. It will be a cold day in hell before this game ever releases, but with the devs having treated backers with nothing but utter contempt and silence when thery aren't making empty promises or trying to milk them for even more money, I no longer even want it.
i am a Kickstarter backer.
No concrete information about the game has been given for years!
I wasted my money! :-(
Greetings fellow old school RPG lovers...I’m one of the devs on this game - I can assure you this game is still being worked on, we’re just taking the time to make it right.
If you want to follow along, come find me on Twitter (@indielaurasdg), or sign up for emails on our website (
Fact check: All the professional work went into the promotion of the campaign.
They sold the idea, that there could be a game by the end of 2017.
When they got their money they "changed" their approach and even "Chris Huelsbeck" (who should do some music) has not heard anything from them for a very loooong time.
It's 2021 and there is no game and no prove of any work since 2017. A parody of personal integrity and virtues! By now I would feel bad buying ANY game by the 2 "developers" of stirring dragon games.
I don't really expect this game to be released at all but I'd still like to play it...
Ah, this would be a cool GOG add on. Cheers
Can I change my vote to -1? The game will not come out. If it happens it does I will not support for the way they have treated their backers and asked for more donations without providing anything recent. Just rotten attitudes. I would feel morally bad playing it.
Unknown Realm is VAPORWARE.
Now is clear that the Kickstarter campaign was a fraud!
I'd love to see this game here. Howsomeever, that requires a number of things to happen that have been showing no signs of happening.
Feel free to visit the kickstarter if you want the details.
I think we can be pretty sure that this game will never released. Just see the comment-section of the Kickstarter-Page...especiall the last days. The behaviour of the project creators is quite abnormal. There is no evidence that there is any progress made in the past two years.
I would love to see this game on GOG. Also, the purpose of this thread is to vote to have the game here...not down vote the game.
The new home page of the game is certainly beautiful and signalises that "stuff is happening". I wish I knew what that is. They write that they take the "mouth shut" approach to marketing, and I guess that's fine. It just doesn't feel all that great to me. I really wouldn't mind it if they gave an official interview from time to time. Maybe in one of the monthly C64 fanzine issues of FREEZE64 or Lotek, anything like that would be a huge deal. They don't even have to talk about the GAME ITSELF much, I'd like to learn more about them. Also helps them get some attention to the game and the shop.
It's fine and I feel quite the same as you (I am a backer and I'm closely following updates and comments). I've had some private message exchange with the creators where they said they're still working on it, but didn't get anything in particular. And there's some difference to violating terms or community guidelines. There's nothing you can do about the latter. So, nothing we can do than keeping fingers crossed and relax.
You got my vote. The project is not dead and there's no use badmouthing it over here. The aim of this wishlist is to raise attention, not to kill it. +1 from me.
I'll be getting this on the C64 but would still like a PC version on GOG so I can play it on my Surface!
This game look fantastic in the Style of Ultima 5. I hope this will find it's way as a digital edition to the GOG store!
I have not backed it on kickstarter because i don't have a credit card and there are too many differences depending of how much you money you back. Look at the table on the kickstarter site (scroll down).
I really hope for one clear digital edition with all digital extras on gog!
This definately should be on here. A new game that looks old! I am planning on getting it one way or another, but I would prefer it on gog.
C64 Rulez +1
Hoping to see this on GOG. Voted +1
26 comments about this wish