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Theme Park World
Ich wünsche mir auch wieder Theme Park World zu spielen. Es wäre so toll, wenn es hierüber wieder die Möglichkeit geben würde!
So many memories. I would love to play this again
this is the best theme park sim for chilling
I would love it to be able to buy this game on GOG - und bitte: inkl. Deutscher Sprache
+1 :)
I need to be able to play this game again, I still have the disc but sadly as its like 20 years old it doesn't work to well anymore and crashes frequently and most of the time I get a data corrupt error message pop up. please GOG I need this in my life once again
I need theme park world
i grew up on RCT, but Theme Park World still managed to catch my eye. i liked the charm, the humour, the style and that you could ride the rides. my pure childhood nostalgia would like to replay this game again.
I would love to play TPW with Polish dubbing :( which is another copyright issue
Theme Park World and Theme Park Inc please! You already have the original Theme Park and Theme Hospital.
Almost to 5000 votes! Please bring it to GoG!
I hope so. Put my vote on it. Btw, there is a GitHub project that works on returning the game and make a remake. Opentpw called, but the work goes very slow, sadly. The game is abandonware, so can be downloaded for free. I recently got the game, and two patches with update and win10 compability.
will it happen when we get 5000 votes?
Kan ik deze ergens dowloaden?
My favorite childhood game! Please bring this back!!
Best Bullfrog game!
This game was part of my childhood I wish y'all would add it
pls i need this
My credit card is ready !
Yes Please!
I need it now! D:
Pleaseeeee bring back !!!!
Absolutely needed!
BIG +1!!!!!
Yes, that game was Epic and even hold me up when i was so depressed. We need this BACK! TAKE MY MONEY!!!
Same as everyone else... I would LOVE to play Theme Park World again.
It's a big part of my childhood.
Please GOG, get this game on here! I've been trying to get it for years! And clearly several others on here as well.
I have the original on CD, but it doesn't work since Win XP. :(
Bring back this classic!
Theme park World, and Theme park inc would be much appreciated
I would love to see it come on here. Its a nightmare to get it running on the current windows and maybe linux as well
I normally don’t write comments, but this game is so special I would do anything to have a running version again.
Please help bring this game back, its epic!
been trying to get this game on my computer or ages but doesn't want to work at all. please being this game back from my childhood
This is such a good game, and really deserves to be on GOG. It would be best to release it now, before SEGA releases a 2 Point Park!
Come on, you've got other Bullfrog games here, so how can this one be an issue?
yes pls
A lot of the games on the wishlist still run pretty well on modern systems, but this original is an absolute trainwreck. A remaster would enable us all to replay this gem!
One of the best classic theme park "simulation". Classic, simple and way funnier than modern counterparts.
looking forward :)
Yup, get the game and take my money
Please add TPW, I would love to play It!
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase add :)
A ride has broken down somewhere that will go unfixed unless you add this game
469 comments about this wish