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The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
I've had this game with a GPU GTX560Ti, I bought back in the day, loved it!
Remake, redo. This game is a gem!!
I would love to play this game again.
i will pay for it if you can find a way to sell it to me
+1000000000 please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please get back this game on GOG
por favorrrr lo queremos de vuelta !! :c
bring it back.
bring it back please
When the game was on sale in GOG, I didn't have time to buy it :( So I would really like The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay was sold here again. It would be interesting to play it.
Please. Why was it ever pulled from the store?
I've been rewatching the movies recently, I need this game in my life again.
+1 (Biorę od ręki!)
Ein Top Spiel, gibt ja 2 Teile davon würde beide sofort kaufen.
Surely miss this and Dark Athena. Excellent games from their time.
It was on gog with dark athena ?
I remember playing this game back in the day and forever pretty much locked me into the stealth play of any game if it was possible
ciężko dostać, poluje od 2 lat, jakby wyszła u was od razu kupilbym
Yep, this gem should be on GOG, definitely. Never played it, but I remember my neighbor having it and being all high and mighty like, and I myself being a po' dastard who couldn't afford a nice PC and was definitely too young for the game anyway.
Make it happen GOG! Pretty please. :D +Respect
Help save this game from oblivion!
It will be good if such a great game will be added to GOG store
Would love to see it on GOG, but I doubt it due to
a) Ludicrously expensive Movie Licensing and
b) it's probably going to get immediately banned in goddamn Germany anyway.
+1 Vote and +1 Comment to support such a Good Game, remember more Votes and Comments to the game = more chances it will be added to GoG Store!
Traigan de vuelta el juego, entiendo que antes estaba a la venta, he visto de manera ilegal la descarga de la versión de GOG. También habemos latinoamericanos dispuestos a pagar por el juego legalmente ¡regrésenlo a la tienda por favor!
I wanna own this game... plz add to gog
We need this game on GOG, PLEASE, polish information network.
It’s a critically acclaimed gem with no proper ways to play it, not even through legitimate copies or piracy.
Same here. I would love to re-play this gem as well as Assault On Dark Athena. I own DVD versions, but it just won't run on Win10. Please, guys, bring this back to us.
I own the hard copy but it is IMPOSSIBLE to install. It sucks. :-(
I would definitely buy this game. I played it on the OG Xbox and oh boy its a gem!
this needs adding to gog
Ive been trying to find this game for hours to download i will pay if it gets put on here
I ALREADY payed for it. I was just looking for it to download the site? Greeeeeeaaat...just f'ing great.
Yes, Please bring this game to GOG
Hopefully this documentary-like YT clip will revive some interest in the Riddick games.
They need to add both versions of this, I don't so much like the new version however.
Actually The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which included the remake of TCOR: Escape from Butcher Bay, which I was fortunate to buy it back in the day but sadly was removed from the store years ago... it definitely should return. Vin Diesel owns the IP but upsets me for doing nothing with it!
Pls do it! i love to play it again :D
Please give us back the "Dark Athena + Escape From Butcher Bay" Pack. I would pay for it.
Prefer the original 2004 game as it has proper manual save system unlike the remake 2009 that comes bundled with Dark Athena both of which only have crappy checkpoint only saving.
I NEED to see this game again, YOU CAN DO IT GOG
God yes please!
This + Dark Athena.
Bring back the original version; the remaster can go to hell!
101 comments about this wish