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Stupid Invaders
ayo, fr do it
PUMP UP ! im looking for this game like 15 years or more.. and i was playing only in demo's version
please gog we need this
It wouild definitely be a day 1 purchase for me. I love this game, I have the discs for PC but a digital would be awesome.
Gog do it plz
Would definitely buy, this game is utterly unique and stupidly funny
Die PC Version mit deutscher Sprachausgabe war der Hammer xD
Würde ich sofort auf GOG kaufen!
Voll lustiges Game, hatte es damals auf der Dreamcast, würde es auch gerne noch mal zocken
Funniest game ever. Please make it happen.
this was one of my best point&click adventure from childhood, please add the game, thank you
i would really like to play this game, as it seems pretty fun!! :3
I'd buy it too began to play and i really loved it !!!!!!
Please add this game!!! It's one of my favorites!
Looking forward to the release of Stupid Invaders on!
This game Great! I'd buy it!
i had this on dreamcast a long time ago. i would realy like to have it on pc.
"i love playing with my organ." - a quote from the game :D
Need this game!
Ta gra to jest must-have dla GOGa. Oczywiście z uwzględnieniem Polskiego dubbingu
One of the best FUN games of the Adventure Gender .Do yourself a favour and release it for win 10
GOG TEAM try to ADD this game to your library, I gaurantee you, the results will be fab! I saw couple of screenshots of this game and they are awesome! The game is based on French animated series that was produced by Gaumont Multimedia. they are also called Space Goofs.
Five little monsters were riding through space
Their spaceship broke and they fell into this place
They gotta get out but they don't know how
So they're waiting and waiting in a creepy creepy house
Lalala lalalala we like monster men
Lalala lalalala we like monster men
YEAH! =)
Man, I used to play through this game with basically everyone I met who was into games! I know it backwards, for a time I could even navigate from memory the desert and golf labirynth areas ;) Insta buy for me, got to get this nostalgia feels... (for this reason a Polish language version would be appreciated ^.-)
Oh man, this needs to happen!
Why don't you share it on Steam?
I always wanted to play this game. I never had the possibility.
Please give us the Invaders.
This would be my first purchase on GOG.COM ever! Simply put, instant buy.
I'd buy it!
need this game!1
Yeah, I used to have "broken" CD too :) Please, add this one, GOG!
I vote for this one too. I bought it and played it till cd 3 didn't work :-/
I played couple minutes when i was child and then i fell in love.Please get this game for us and do not forget POLISH version!!
when i love this game so MUCH. about the game called Stupid Invaders! Because i never play this game before, when i go because i se all aliens on website meet Ento,Gorgious,Candy,Bud and Stereo! and escape from Dr.Sakarin,Bolok and Igor on this characters video game! this game is 10 out for 10 of this game is THE BEST VIDEO GAME OF POINT & CLICK ON 2000 OF E3 EVER!!!!!!!!!! Score 100% AND I WILL BUY THIS AMAZING GAME ON GOG.COM!!! THE SAY ON THE LIST SAY ''THE BEST ADVENTURE GAME PC AT E3''! I WILL PLAY THIS GAME BY FULL HISTORY OF ALIENS!! I watchen of Space Goofs on 1997 is GREAT CARTOON EVER!! ABOUT THE FUNNIEST,CRAZIEST,ADVENTURE,EXPLOSION,PUZZLE & ACTION! I WILL BUY THIS GAME RIGHT NOW OF THE STUPID INVADERS EVER!!!!
I would pay for this 100% i just want to be able to play this again it is one of my favourite games of all time but our old computers died and now i am stuck with windows 10 and it wont install. PLEASE OH PLEASE if i can find a way to play this somehow i would be so grateful. I would buy the game if i could download and play it. I love this.
I'd definetely buy it!
This is an insta buy for me, if you add.
I never got a chance to play the full version.
loved this game
This is DEFINITELY a good OLD game and I want this on! Please!
Really want this game to be added on to here! have a copy at home but it is too old to run on any systems I currently have. Need these game for nostalgia reasons alone! not to mention the beautiful and unique design and the genuine love and fear of the characters and the villains
This needs to happen ffs
If I ever meant something Honest. This would be my most honest words: I WOULD INSTABUY IT.
If you guys set it up I would even try to convince my friends to buy it. and I would even buy 2 or 3 copys of it at once because I would so happy that its finally back. THIS is one of my most favorite games of all times. All in a group with LBA 2 (which i bought immediately when it released on steam) and Oddworld (where I even bought the whole BIG bundle even though I just needet one of the 4 provided titles) PLEASE PLESAE good GOG guys. Make it happen.
biggest stupid invaders fan out, peace yaow!
I love this game.
One of the funniest adventure games, please gog bring it back to life!
Great adventure game. Very silly and funny humor.
Why does this have so few votes? It's an awesome game, very much like Day of The Tentacle.
damn gotta love the game AND the cartoon series :D
This game is fading in oblivion, we need it here! :)
This would fit the GOG catalog well. I remember playing it on the Dreamcast. Visually very neat, funny toilet-humor, sadly too short of a game. Would like to see it on here.
I wonder whether this is suffering the usual fate of licensed tie-ins, i.e. the rights expired.
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