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Added by ThorChild's avatar ThorChild ThorChild's avatar ThorChild Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.

Bethesda's upcoming (E3 announced) single player game set in a sci-fi setting.

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AGlezB AGlezB Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I've put all Bugthesda games in my "Buy only on GOG" list. I don't care if I have to wait a decade because that just means more time for the comunity to mod out the garbage.

Aug. 9, 2024
godt3arz godt3arz Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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It would be nice to have this game on here.

Jul. 16, 2024
Marucins Marucins Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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This game in its current state is a dumpster fire. Besides, it's not worth the price that the competition is asking for. It would be a shame for GOG to focus on such a flop instead of more interesting titles. Honestly, I doubt that any update could save such a clumsy product like Starfield. Nothing is done right here. And if we add the engine to that - it's a disaster. Under no circumstances waste your efforts to add Starfield to the GOG library.

Apr. 29, 2024
Norevax Norevax Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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There's nothing about Starfield worth paying for, no more than the random 2d pixelart rogue-like sidescrolling shovewlare garbage that pollutes GOG and Steam.

Mar. 9, 2024
tedeee tedeee Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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dare you to GOG. finished the game twice and enjoyed the hell out it. would easily buy it here. huge game with boat loads to do. don't listen to muppets about load screens. they are no different to any other game out there.

Mar. 3, 2024
ManBearCannon ManBearCannon Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I’d like to play it.

Would be cool if they offered it on GOG. I would buy it if they did.

Nov. 24, 2023
u2jedi u2jedi Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Not until they get rid of all the loading screens and actually have a great story. Also those psychotic looking character expressions need to go as well as all the whining NPC companions.

Oct. 29, 2023
Hakuso3 Hakuso3 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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It's Bethesda, so...

A decade form now, after they have ruined it with a "Special Edition" they have to gut in order to release it on GoG, but at least by that time the modders will have finished it for them.

Oct. 13, 2023
Xeshra Xeshra Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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There are better space games out there... people are not missing a lot at the current time. Perhaps at some later date, with a massively overhauled Starfield and with many mods this game is worth it. Up to that point i think patience is not difficult and i guess in 2+ years after release we may see it on GoG.

Oct. 9, 2023
throet throet Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Just wanted to point out, for anyone with the ability to affect change within Microsoft or Bethesda who may be concerned about the potential for piracy that would seem to be included in a release:

Starfield has been available for free via Torrent since launch day(possibly even earlier). If anyone is intent to pirate your game, they've already done it.

Here, you have another 1,123 customers who are willing to pay for the game, *if* you release it on

In addition to doing the right thing, you'd also be making money from this. There's no way you're going to spend $78,000 porting a PC game to... PC.

Oct. 3, 2023
tedeee tedeee Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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even though i'm playing it on GamePass, i'd drop for it DRM free in a heartbeat. gonna be playing around with this game for years to come.

Sep. 29, 2023
tfishell tfishell Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Bethesda seems to be decent at releasing older games on gog (at least compared to other big-name publishers), but unfortunately you'll have to be patient

Sep. 21, 2023
Therilith Therilith Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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"I'm using Steam for 18 years now and no single game disappeared so far! Yes you can keep the games forever on Steam even if ithey are not sold anymore."
Steam is dropping support for Windows 7 on January 1st 2024, which means I'll lose access to all my steam games. This includes singleplayer games and games that have not received any updates since 2003. All because the steam DRM (not the games themselves) will be made incompatible with my setup.

Sep. 20, 2023
EV_Gamer EV_Gamer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I'm happy to see that we reached 1000 votes. But at the same time, it's so sad to know that more than 200,000 people are still conformists, and accept paying for something without having the right to own it.

Sep. 17, 2023
rainydaygaming rainydaygaming Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Bethesda wants you to play BG3 instead.

Sep. 17, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@ SargonAelther exactly

Sep. 15, 2023
SargonAelther SargonAelther Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@Dreamzzzzz Agony Unrated has disappeared for me and a lot of people. It even made the news. Steam is as unreliable as any Digital Service. At least with GOG we do not have to rely on them ,as long as we hoard everything on our own Hard Drives.

Sep. 14, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@Dreamzzzzz we do not need a troll

Sep. 14, 2023
OptimusPrimal OptimusPrimal Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Hopefully it comes here eventually!
I'm in no hurry to play it, so if I have to wait a few years, that's fine.

Sep. 14, 2023
Dreamzzzzz Dreamzzzzz Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Omg! Just buy the Game with DRM on Steam. There is absolutely no problem with that! I'm using Steam for 18 years now and no single game disappeared so far! Yes you can keep the games forever on Steam even if ithey are not sold anymore.

And Steam makes sure that the games will work and gives you regulary updates.

There is no benefit at all with DRM free games. If GOG is not updating a game anymore and it's not working with a new windows version, you can throw your DRM free game in the trashcan.

So either start living or wait forever cause the most games will never come out without drm, like movies, music, game moduls, game discs and so on.

By the way I really hope you don't use blu ray discs, nintendo consoles, sony playstation, apple products... and so on, cause on these systems you are even more locked than you will be ever on steam.

Sep. 14, 2023
McLenin666 McLenin666 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Instant buy from me on GOG :) Will try to wait it out.

Sep. 11, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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The excuse that it needs to have DRM to prevent games on torrents is a load of crap. I know a small group might but that is wrong

Sep. 7, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@Vainamoinen I agree with you and the other comments. DRM Steam is killing gaming with all this lock DRM

Sep. 7, 2023
Vainamoinen Vainamoinen Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Nintendo withdrew from Russia, Sony did, Microsoft is almost out, only Valve insists on co-financing a genocide. And that's the company we're giving the PC sales monopoly to, out of free will. They are handling that enormous responsibility very poorly. Please, Sabotage, reconsider. Also, if you have any time, give the people on GOG their achievements. I really don't give a flying funk about them and will only use a DRM free installer, but apparently achievements make games 'better'.

Sep. 6, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I wish this game would come but we cant even get Doom 2016

Sep. 6, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I stop supporting Steam and want nothing to do with lock DRM in my games that I purchase

Sep. 6, 2023
lexluthermiester lexluthermiester Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I never buy games on Steam anymore. If a game doesn't come to GOG, there is no money from me.

Sep. 5, 2023
EV_Gamer EV_Gamer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Interesting point you have! I was reading some comments on a YT video the other day, where one person had to explain to the other what GOG store is and that DRM-free is still a thing!
I'm amazing by how many people believe that we just have to accept the gaming market as it is, not true!
I lived my teens playing the old way, cartridges and discs. Most game stores nowadays just sell a (sometimes for a limited time) "license to play".

Sep. 4, 2023
g.koster g.koster Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I agree.Maybe it will help if people looking for a game that isn't on the sale of gog that they give the connection to the wish list. Most people will not know of it existance.

Sep. 4, 2023
EV_Gamer EV_Gamer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@g.koster I would be happy to buy here, but it seems that unfortunately our numbers are low for them (BGS). Look at the votes, not even 1000 as of today. I think we need more people voting.

Sep. 4, 2023
g.koster g.koster Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I hope that Bethesda realises that waiting to long will also cost. because then alarge number of people over here will not buy they game. pushing some of us into piraty while willing to buy here.

Or will give up on buying/having the game ad all as happened with me and skyrim. ( no i did not pirate it just lost interest).

Waiting untill it has been pirated i can under stand, much longer no.

And GoG Send these comments to bethasda, may be they will see sence this time

Sep. 4, 2023
Fuguss Fuguss Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I remember connect, I wasn't exactly describing connect, connect allowed you to import your steam games to GoG for free with permission from the developers.

What I was describing wasn't free but would require a slight fee so that GoG can recoup some of the costs of hosting that version and the developer would be more likely to support that feature.

Like maybe 5% of the games purchase price to import if you already owned it or something like that.

And true to form, Starfield isn't even officially out yet and I heard it is already cracked. Really wish they would stop trying to DRM everything like that, it doesn't exactly stop cracking or those who download them, it just inconveniences their retail buyers.

Sep. 1, 2023
razorh razorh Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Won't buy it on Steam, would 100% buy it on GOG.

Sep. 1, 2023
aBoo3 aBoo3 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@Fuguss With GOG quietly removing the GOG Connect feature (whish is just what you described in terms of linking up steam and getting GOG copies of eligible games) I very much doubt something like it will ever reappear on the site

Sep. 1, 2023
AnimalMother117 AnimalMother117 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Given Bethesda's release schedule on this website, I suppose we can pop the corks in another ten years or so.

Aug. 31, 2023
Nikioko Nikioko Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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It took Skyrim 11 years to get available on GOG. I hope it won't take that long for Starfield.

Aug. 30, 2023
tfishell tfishell Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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If you would buy it on GOG, please do vote, even though it'll almost certainly take many years to show up (assuming it ever does come here, but hopefully!)

Aug. 30, 2023
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I agree, it will be cracked and online quickly, but that is still at a point where most people won't bother with it compared to a retail offline installer. The developers will want to push most of that stuff off at least 6 months as much as possible to get as many sales as possible.

I agree that I would prefer getting a GoG copy of just about any game rather than steam, epic, ubisoft, EA, Rockstar or god knows what else but that will likely be the mindset of the developers.

Still hoping that the developers eventually give GoG the ability to link accounts and import games from other clients to GoG for a small fee. I have a steam account that is less than sane with just how many games I have on it.

Aug. 29, 2023
EV_Gamer EV_Gamer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Aug. 22, 2023
JakobFel JakobFel Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I already preordered through Fanatical for a Steam key, thus using up my gaming budget for the rest of this year (and probably into next year) but I'm not even joking, I'd FIND the money I need to buy a DRM-free copy of the game from GOG. Yeah, that's right Bethesda, I'd gladly buy your new game twice if it meant I get to actually OWN it.

Aug. 20, 2023
Proximately Proximately Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I give this 2 days before it's pirated. Tops.

Aug. 19, 2023
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It would be awesome to see it here; Seems Skyrim took a while to appear, but with any luck Starfield will end up requiring much less of a wait!

Aug. 12, 2023
OptimusPrimal OptimusPrimal Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Hopefully it comes to gog, preferably right away, but I’ll wait to buy it until it’s here.

Aug. 4, 2023
Vainamoinen Vainamoinen Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Wake me up, when it's on GOG-o. Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo.

Jul. 11, 2023
Fuguss Fuguss Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I can pretty much guarantee that Bethesda/Microsoft will not release this on GoG till after it has a longer life on Steam/Epic/Microsoft store.

They will hold off releasing an offline/DRM free version till after the sweetheart period of release where their sales are the strongest before they do this due to piracy risks.

Once any DRM is cracked and their post release sales slow, THEN they might do it after a bit, but not till then.

Think of it this way, if they release it on GoG with a DRM free offline installer, it would be released onto the pirate sites immediately which they don't want to risk yet.

Maybe 6 months after its release they might be willing to, but from a financial standpoint, holding off makes sense to them unless you want GoG to start including DRM in their releases and tying it the games directly to accounts which I don't want and I doubt anyone else does.

Jul. 3, 2023
Finnius Finnius Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Yes please would be missing out on a lot of revenue if you don't carry Starfield. I am also one of those people that doesn't "do" steam...and I much prefer supporting THIS site.

Jun. 26, 2023
Geraldine Geraldine Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I so hope this will be a GOG option and DRM free.

Jun. 23, 2023
Mad_Cat_Mk_II Mad_Cat_Mk_II Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Seems a nice game. I hope it comes to GOG faster which Skyrim.

Jun. 23, 2023
M4XXST3IN M4XXST3IN Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@stevecs 100%

Jun. 19, 2023
stevecs stevecs Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Yeah they're missing out on a sale if they don't release it here on GOG as I won't buy it on Steam or anywhere else.

It seems that corporate has their heads up their asses as usual and has no idea that their tactics just encourage piracy instead of sales as there are many people who do not want the DRM tether.

Jun. 18, 2023
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