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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars
Ich würde mich riesig freuen wenn Ihr es in die Gegenwart holt.
Hopefully i will be able to buy it one day on here. Then i wont have to jump through hoops to get it work on my computer.
This is a game I haven't had the opportunity to play properly. I only found a copy when I was on newer hardware and it would not run. It would be cool if this did come to GOG and give me and others the chance to play this Deep Space Nine - era game.
Would definitely buy it.
Would love to see this! I couldnt get it to run properly back in the day but what I did play I loved. Would be great to see it on here
I still have my old CD for Dominion Wars, and it's such a diamond in the rough. You can clearly tell the game was rushed and not 100% polished, but the mechanics that are there are fun and it's still an amazing piece of Trek gaming history. (And yes, I played this game originally on a Windows XP computer back then and it STILL was a pain to get this game to run properly even back then, let alone on modern hardware)
Would love to see this added.
Please add
I completely agree with basically everyone here. Give us Dominion Wars!!!!!!!
I wish we had some movement on this. Would love to be able to play again.
would love to see this added was one of my favs back in the day
yes please add this game
Hopefully GOG will be able to re-release this game.
Threw out my disc version, because it got damaged
and no disc drive would read it again.
This game is excellent. Please add
I would really like to see Dominions Wars come to GoG, great Star Trek space combat game.
Please bring dominion wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please bring Dominion Wars
please bring dominion wars here its a great game
This game and Star Trek Starfleet Command 2 and Orion Pirates needs to be added. Please make this happen soon!!!
I used to spend soooo much time on this game. I would love to be able to play it again
With the release of other Star Trek games in the last year this should have been and needs to be one of them.
yep, I miss this game one my favorites.
Hi, ich warte seit Jahren darauf dieses Spiel wieder spielen zu können!!!
Amazing and awesome to see the other Trek games come through - would love to see this join the GOG fleet as well!
bitte auf deutsch veröffentlichen
I love that game, but it can't run on my PC-s. :(
Please adding this awesome strategy game in the GOG shop.
I bought a CD version from ebay ( used ) but i want to support the developers and buy this game from gog.
Hell, why not? Count me in, as long as the GoG version improves over some bugs the original game had (could crash back to Windows upon save load).
I was so thrilled back in the day when I played this game. Sadly every proposed method to run it on more modern PCs takes a mad amount of troubleshooting and so far none has worked. Would be really nice to get a working version again
you can play it onlie
get this game :)
This is one my favorite Star Trek games, if not THE favorite. It would be an immediate purchase in my book. I know I will buy it if it shows up here.
Would love to give this one another shot
I was able to get it working on my windows 7 on my laptop ages ago but they laptop is old and has had issues in running. I would love to see this again. the excitement of flying a squadron of ships against the dominion was thrilling and gives that feel of you laying out the story line of deep spare nine series when you play.
I loved this game when it came out!! I am a HUGE fan of the Star Wars flight simulators, but I loved this game so much more. The battles grow in difficulty, and they get bigger every step of the way. The best way to say it is PLEASE add this game to the GOG list.
ever since win xp i've been unable to run this thing. i heard there was some workaround or patch but i've never been able to make it work. You guys make it work and i'll pay money to play it again.
loved this game, wish there were more like it
Definitely a fun game. Wish there were more games like it.
I loved this game as a kid. Can't wait to see what I think of it now lol.
42 comments about this wish