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+1 für einen Multilanguage Release ... zocke es gerade mit der Mirage Mod und dem Boster Pack 3.0 ... ein Meilenstein, der seiner Zeit zu weit voraus war! Die Grafik ist immer noch absolut top und das Game hat 19 jahre auf dem Buckel!
please add it to your store
it would be awesome to play the game agian. its a little gem
Please, give me back this game of my childhood
Bring it back
Man, getting it to work on win 10 and 11 is such a chore. It would be great if GOG figured the installation issues and added it to library so we don't have to mess with the hex values within game files.
+1 for GOG
Just learned about this from Jauwn's video on YT and sad it's seemingly abandonware...
Dream about it...
Yeah.. would be nice to have it here <3
Also want this game back!! :D
Please join it, it would be an instant buy!
Today a random event tossed me down down memory lane, that was uncovering my box copy of this game... I played it so much as a kid. I'd love to see game alive again.
Please add this
My friend really wants thus
I would like it too!
Definitely one of my favorite rts games! since I can't get my copy to work anymore I'd buy it right away
Добавьте пожалуйста, отличная игра!!
I just rememberd about this game and im looking how I can play it again
I still listen to the main theme, it's simply beautiful. And what an amazing game! I would buy it on GOG especially taking the fact that my CD refuses to work more and more often.
It would be wonderful!
yes please, instant buy
Would buy this game ... again
jak to pobrac
I also would love to be able to play this game again.
This game is, no joke, one of the best RTS games ever made. Period. Losing it would be a tragedy to say the least.
I need this game !!! pls add
I will buy like 4 copies. Please add to GoG!
I would love to play this part of my childhood again. It's so hard to get a copy to run on win10.
considering cdpr published this in poland, im surprised they didnt try to have it added to gog
moja gra dziecinstwa ,i jak dodacie to z polska wersja jezykowa bo byla mega
i would buy it for all my friends. Please
Instant buy too
+1 Pleaaase!!
Please add this game. Instant Buy
+1 <3
+1 Big NEEED!!!
Since Ubisoft owns this this is gonna be hard
This games needs to be on GOG so badly.
256 comments about this wish