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Myth: The Fallen Lords
Every year or so, I hear fond memories and tales of nostalgia regarding this game/series from different friends. I didn't have a chance to play it, and they always want to find it. Please make this "a thing". Thank you =)
Please. The WHOLE Series. Isn't it Abandonware at this point!?!?
Please make it happen!!!
Digging up my old CD and going through the hoops to play it is frustrating. Would love to have it through GOG for ease of access.
GOG bitte die Teile veröffentlichen!!!
Kann man es auch auf den aktuellen Windows Versionen per CD-Rom spielen ? wenn ja, wie geht das ?
GOG really has to get the rights to this game. It is abandonware as it is. How about a collab with Bungie? Myth Remastered containing all three will be a super hit here, surely. How long do we have to rely on the dedicated community for the patches and updates?
Myth remains one of the most amazing PC games I've ever played. I'd like to see a stable, legal version on GOG.
Honestly, if you can pry loose the rights to this one, it'll be one of the most significant things you've ever done.
I am losing hope I will ever see it here... Few classics have been released on GOG in recent years...
how much longer do we need to wait ?
Been many a year for me to post, however, Myth TFL and Myth Soulblighter are amongst some of my all time die hard favourites!
And yes you can still play them on Win 11. I actually used to compete in the yearly Tourney that still exists today! YES! Myth players still come together and play Myth.
I would love to see GOG support this! Honestly I'd be happy to put down $100 to help them anchor more support and then still pay for the games in a pre-order style.
C'mon GOG! Let us know your thoughts or if there is a set of selective measures that go into selecting a game to revive!?
This is one of my favorite old games. I would happily pay for it!
GOG, tragam essa série de volta, por favor.
bitte bitte bitte bitte
bringt das spiel auf diese Plattform
- kauf ist 10000% sicher -
How has this not happened yet!?
A year later, I'm back asking once more to add them. Would buy straight away.
would buy both games in a heart beat, i dont know where to get the damn games at all
** PUSH **
Fantastic game, love to play this again, gladly pay for it
Wish I could give 100.000 votes for this
I would gladly pay a high price for this game if it ran on Win11.
ab wann wird darüber nachgedacht es aufzunehmen ? müssen bestimmte Mengen an Befürwortern vorhanden sein ?
Definately. Myth: The Fallen Lords is a MUST of old games. Please.
cant add my +1, so I'll add a comment :)
Yeah, I'd love to play this series again.
ich bin auch dafür =) am besten alle 3 Teile. Das wäre eine super super Sache, Kenne auch bestimmt 5 Leute die das Spiel auch gerne wieder einmal spielen würden. Gerne mit diversen Sprachausgaben wenn möglich. Bitte - Bitte - Bitte -
Any and all Myth games. Need to hear multiple “casualty” again while my little army get slaughtered by ghouls.
I would still be coming right for this one.....
I would love to play this again.
This is my most wanted ever. Why is it not here, yet?
Those immersive atmospheres... Bring it back, please
They sure are taking their time with this one. Hope it'll be released eventually as I'm having issues with the original CD Rom.
Why is this one so difficult to release; anyone know the story?
Without question, would pay in cash for this game. Jump on a bus, train, plane, to GOG HQ and pay cash in person for another chance at this game.
Pretty new to GOG but this would be one to keep me around.
Yes, please. Christmas 2023 ????
I'll just add my voice to the chorus of voices crying out for Myth: The Fallen Lords. It is qn all-time classic. To this day, I still think of the amazing narration between missions. Resurrect The Fallen Lords!
GOG, you must bring it! one of the best games of my youth!
This is one of the few games from my childhood that is still missing from GoG. Would love to have this and the 2nd game without having to rely on digging up my old cds or questionable online sources.
Instant buy!! Make it happen GOG!!
Yes plz Gog. Such a good game.
hey people, it's abandonware. enjoy
I used to play this for HOURS with my brother. I would love to see it here.
One of my favorite rts of all time. Please we need them!
Shut up and take my money!
This is a mandatory game for any 90s collection. I still have a CD somewhere but does not go propperly in modern PCs. I wish I could get it in my Gog account and play it nowadays. PLZ MANAGE THE ADQUISITION AND TAKE MY MONEY
348 comments about this wish