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I'd love for the CAVE shmups to be available on GOG so I could actually. own them as opposed to the license on Steam.
GOG's rejection of this game is why I stopped buying GOG games.
I hope this isn't true.
Have this on PCB, 360, iPhone and Steam. Would buy it again on GOG. Degica, what are you waiting for?!
I would love to see this game and other Cave games on GOG too! What great oldies they are!
Would love to see this on GOG.
Yep, definitely a must-have, amazing shmup, the second one is even crazier, I'll buy it here!
Everyone could use some more Schmup in their lives :) - esp ones with CAVE involved! Make it happen GOG!
Also known as 'Bug Princess'.
We need this game and all other CAVE games on GOG.
PLEASE make it happen! :D
Mushihimesama, DoDonPachi Resurrection and Espgaluda 2. I am so looking forward to play them native on the PC.
Please make it happen! Those games also could feature Online Highscores thanks to GOG Galaxy.
For now i have to use Steam for at least 2 of those games.
And while you are at it....please bring all of CAVE SHMUPs to the PC! PLEEEEAASSSEEEEE! Progear...ESP.Ra.De ... they should be played by all Earthians! ^^
I'd like to see games like this on as many platforms as possible.
You guys will add Caladrius Blaze but think that Cave shooters are too obscure?
Please stop being stupid GOG. Here, I have spare money and I'm just waiting for these games to come here to buy them.
GOG's curation system is a fucking joke and is the only reason that we do not have other games from Degica here. This includes Mushihimesama and other titles from CAVE.
I'd like to see all CAVE games on GOG, too.
Yes bring 'em! Along with a Crimzon Clover update (or are you guys still attempting to "fix" that small bug introduced in the Steam version?!
It would be awesome! I love this game!
Please GOG, I already bought this game on steam, but I'll buy it again here because I don't like DRM.
Oh, wow! This is precisely the kind of thing I was dreaming about years ago. Count me in.
Just waiting for this and other classics to show up here. Gog, take note! You just have to reconsider this.
Yes, please bring this! This game has long been established as a must play in Cave's catalog and the genre as a whole. Don't stop there either, please bring Eschatos and Dariusburst as well!
Bring the shooters GOG! Bring CAVE and other Degica published games to the storefront!
Here's hoping to see not only Mushihimesama, but all of Degica's future shmup releases minus DRM and anti-consumer subscription agreements.
Sure, there are other legally questionable methods for playing games like this and Darius Burst, it would be great to actually put my money forward and demand more legendary shmups without also supporting things that are bad for me as a consumer.
Seriously, GOG. You have Gone Home on your storefront. You don't get to pretend to be some kind of curators of a high quality library of offerings at this point.
I've heard that GOG thinks Mushihimesama is too niche to be sold here? WTF? Will they only sell Call Of Duty here or what? Gog go home, you're drunk...
The past year now has seen a completely unacceptable number of PC shmup ports from notable developers crippled with Steam garbage. We need a GOG release like this to start setting a better example. I would hate for the doujin scene to begin following in the anti-consumer footsteps of the big ones.
As bVork said, every day that this sits on the wishlist makes me think less of GOG.
You have no right to reject a game and developer like this if you give even the slightest damn about your userbase.
What the F... I thought this is for "CAVE" to bring their game on GOG. But now I see this is for GOG to let CAVE bring their game.
GOG shame on you, games like Mushihimesama don´t need any approval!!! I also don´t get it, when a game got greenlite on STEAM, why there is any approval needed at all.
I'm astounded that the publishers of a classic like this have to create their own wishlist entry to seek GOG's approval. Meanwhile utter trash from same era like Master of Orion 3 and Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude were apparently good enough to skip this process.
Every day that this sits on the wishlist makes me think less of GOG. So much for Good Old Games, eh?
Held off on Steam release as I would rather support a DRM-free version here. Other than Ikaruga, this is one of the 'biggest' games in the genre that could realistically make it to GOG.
Please add it to the list, GOG! Also, what is up with Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds on Steam? Four months from being there will be remappable keys and online play and the game is still a gimped port.
I'm not currently interested in the game, but I voted anyway to support DRM-freedom!
More shmup representation on GOG is not a bad thing, especially when it's from the arguable kings of the bullet hell genre.
I'm eager to see this game come to GOG. I would buy it immediately and without hesitation.
Now that Degica already made the offer, please release it here. I already own it on Steam anyways, but DRM-free is always superior.
This on GOG would be a no brainer, it is a Good Ol' Game.
please add this to GoG so the can be free from the shmupsforum DRM conspiracy theorists
CAVE has pretty much pioneered this sub-genre since 1994, and Mushihimesama is one of their most notable and popular franchises.
Crimzon Clover is already on GOG, and while that game is very high quality, Mushihimesama has far more of a following due to its age and the quality of the franchise and developer.
Yes, please release Mushihimesama DRM Free!!!
I, already have the game on XBOX360 and would never buy a game Steam.
But I would definatly buy all CAVE games again, when released DRM Free. Please also include a set of Wallpapers in 1920x1080 for my Windows and a printable Universal Instruction Strip and Marquee for Candy Cabs, pleeeeeaaase :-)
It's kind of ridiculous that we have to beg to see the game on GOG. This is one of the best games in the genre, and I have no idea why GOG needs more of a showing of support to believe this is a good addition to the store.
This really NEEDS to be on here.
This game, and the others CAVE games, are a SHMUPs classics as much as Fallout or Baldur's Gate are RPGs classics.
Therefore this game "shouldn't" be on GoG, it "MUST" be on GoG!
This game rules!
get this game on here ASAP!!
One true shoot em up for PC, it should allready be on GOG.
A 2D action masterpiece by the best developer in its genre. It's hilarious that this even needs a vote.
Hopefully Mushihimesama can be made available on GOG, for those like myself who are only willing to support a DRM-free release. It's an excellent game, and at this point, I rarely go back to play my PS2 copy.
This is a classic shooter that has major following amongst fans of the genre, it's a must for GOG if they want to expand their userbase. Just because Cave couldn't justify pressing a disc for Western audiences in the early 00's, doesn't mean the game isn't worthy of a digital release on GOG.
Seriously, GOG, your reasoning for not releasing this right out of the gate is borderline shameful. This is the exact kind of game we should be promoting on PC.
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