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Monster Hunter World
instant buy
Buy 1 day. This is definitely the game I would most like to see on GoG.
Yes please! +1
Day 1 buy. DRM free is the way. I wish steam user would realise it. If i want to play Live service game i would just go steam that simple.
After Crapcom adding DRM to 10 year old titles, don't think it will be available in GOG soon. Worse is removing Denuovo, and adding other such fatalities like Enigma and Obsidium. Really seems like they are doing MK fatality to their customers. Such a shame.
+1, Would buy!
I'm buy this for sure also I'm new to gog so if anyone wants to be friends be sure to add me thanks!
would !
Yes! +1
+1, im totaly ready to buy this game again
Like such games created by the plot of anime franchises, would be nice to see more of them in GoG Store \( ゚◡゚)/
Instant Buy
More than 300 hours in MHW over PC and Playstation, would still instant buy here :D
Already have this on PS4, but I'd gladly buy this again if it releases on here.
My friend has an old CPU, that not support SSE4.2 that requires for Denuvo to work. DRM free version of the game would be nice!
Instant buy here
yep, instant buy :D
Would buy on here even if it was full price TBH.
Instant Buy
Instant buy
I put 470 hours into MH3U on my 3DS and almost 300 hours into MH4U (still not completed). Instant purchase from me if this gets a drm free release. I'm never going to install valve's malware and deal with drm to play this, so if I can't buy a drm free release, I will find a drm free version from websites willing to provide it.
GoG Release = Instant Buy
Instant buy!
Instant buy
If i can import my save file, I'll buy it
Instant buy...
Instant buy
Instant buy
Witcher Geralt join MHW, so MHW belongs in GOG
Love the franchise but dear lord I do not want to deal with the hot garbage and .exe bloat that comes with denuvo.
Man, Denuvo is so pointless. The game is already cracked anyway, just like every other game with this piece of shit. Really want to buy this, but I am done with steam so, I guess they're not getting my money. The game is largely online anyway, you don't need anything else as "piracy protection"... these devs are dumb.
They just announced that Geralt from the Witcher series will be guest-appearing in Monster Hunter World; Could that be a sign that the game will finally come to GoG? I mean, you wouldn't put Mario in a game and then not release it on a Nintendo platform.
Instant buy
please MHW right now take my money gog
Come on! You've made it past your launch window. Give us the clean version already!
Only buying if I can get a DENUVO-FREE Build of this game. Gog Or Steam is fine, just want it free of Anti-Consumer DRM.
I'll only buy a DRM free version of this.
Want it on GOG so bad, im pretty much now refusing to buy anything on Steam now.
I want it
I'm actually waiting to buy the game until they remove Denuvo.
Yes, if this can be added without crippled online community features (eg: Dragon Dogma's Service Not Available nonsense), then please add it.
59 comments about this wish