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Metro Exodus on GOG ! completed
Original Metro 2033 - is The Must Have for all Gamers! I want to buy it in Gog store!!!
It's here now! hopefully this wish will get completed pretty soon.
Thank you very much, GOG team :)
Жду с нетерпением +
How is this title still not up on GOG? it's been a year and a half!
Linux version confirmed!
GOG, if you want my money, get it for Linux.
You can bet that Steam will have the Linux version when it is released.
GoG Get No Respect. You know what i wish? I wish CDPR would start making exclusives themselves. BUt then again that's only gonna hurt gamers none of these practices ever hurt the publishers that do dumb stuff. So CDPR should do reverse Exclusives, where their game DOESN't Go to EPIC STORE. First we had to deal with DRM, Then Draconian DRM, Then DENUVO & Now Exclusives. They are trying so hard to destroy OUR HOBBIES!!! Ughh
I've been holding out on purchasing this game until it reaches GOG in its full Gold Edition glory. It should be available on Steam starting 14 feb 2020 again, so fingers crossed it'll end up getting a release on here shortly afterwards.
Man, i hope they decide to bring it here soon.
if you can, please share this link with anyone who'd likely buy Metro Ex on GOG and hasn't yet voted. I'd like to think there are thousands of "uncounted" votes, though I could be wrong.
I believe it's because the game still has Denuvo cancer, and they won't drop it until some months after the last DLC is released, as the pirated version still doesn't have any DLC.
Scumbag move by Deep Silver, and to some degree 4A Games.
@ERASER_M Yeah, that's a pretty bad news, and even has given a reply on Twitter to express the sadness of the reponse from Metro The game official account. In my opinion, I think I understand why: Since Steam is still the most important PC platform, it is sure that 4AGames and DeepSilver wants to get more profit on this platform. That's why they keep Denuvo in the game and sell it on Steam only on 15th Februray (Saturday). I'm very angry about that news, but right now it doesn't mater, as long as I still have the patience, I'll be waiting for it later, because I believe that Metro Exodus will come out to I am sure of it, so saty tuned ;) !
Bad news:
It will comes to GOG because after 1 year of exclusivity on Epic Games Store, 4AGames will out their games on other platform, including GOG. According to FAQ on Steam :
I hope it comes to GOG
Another of my "I'll give ya a dolla!" games.
Playing it via GamePass now, not bad, but seems kinda meh as far as story goes compared to the earlier games.
Still, I'd buy it on GOG, but this time not even suuuuper cheap will get a Steam sale out of me. It's just not good enough to put up with any DRM, even if they ditched the Denuvo for the official Steam release.
We got 1 and 2, hopefully this year it will release here
I hope it comes to GOG
This Epic nonsense is ruining the industry. In any case.. and deal made between two parties can be broken if both parties simply agree to cancel it. It only remains exclusive because one (or both) still want it to be exclusive. But because Epic is paying a massive amount to devs.. it's likely both. This would never have happened if it wasn't for tweenies dumping those mountains of cash into Fortnight. So essentially I'm pointing the finger towards all of you... you know whom you are. If you guys want this to stop.. then don't buy there (that goes for your buddies as well)
Better here than Steam and even better than Epic Store!
Would be nice to have this on GoG whenever the team can
> BTW, if you BUY the game from Epic, the Dev's get more money (88% instead of 70%)
I really don't care. I want to own a game instead of having perpetual lease in shitty store. Look at classic PS appstore that got closed and all users just lost their library. Steam is unlikely to fail this way, but some 3rd party shit store? Thanks, pass.
Don't they understand people don't want to have 10 libraries and dumb launchers? Steam/Gog/Battle.Net/4game/uplay/younameit. How much launchers should I install to be able to run games I want to play?
I'd recommend just being patient if you can.
Err... I mean circumvent with a loophole. I know Space Station Silicon Valley for N64 became Evo's Space Adventures on PlayStation 1, so that is a loophole they should see if they can find.
Is there any chance Deep Silver can Breach their contract by releasing it on Steam and GOG early as Metro Exodus Redux?
The only way I buy games is through GOG Galaxy, I hope Metro Exodus will be here in this platform, not that Epic shit store. Developers really don't care their own job, when that kind of shitty stores close or whatever, the game won't be available to the users in the future, CD Projekt has been doing an awesome job providing us games without DRM, the most important part when we buy the game.
You don't know, do you? Until 15th of February, 2020, it'll be the exclusive on Epic Games Store, so until this date it'll be impossible.
But anyway, I vote. :-)
Won't buy it until it does.
I don't understand: the two first episode are on GOG and not the third??? is that because of tempoary exclusivity and we will have it in a certain time, or what??
Forgot to add, NO. Do not pirate the game... just DON'T buy it until it either comes out. Pay with your wallets. Nothing hurts more to a company than punishing them this way.
This will probably happen... after one year of release. As of now, not a chance... there is a deal between Epic and Deep Silver and it will not be cancelled before that year.
or you could pirate the game until it comes out to gog and steam so you can play the game now without giving EPIC any money or you could just wait
When this stops being an epic games exclusive snatch this up
Until Epic stops its anti-competitive tactics and adds actual features to their store I couldn't care less how much of a cut the devs get.
Yep, publisher will get 88% instead of 70% but 12% will go to Epic and some people just don't want to give Epic any money and so they will have to wait and I will wait with them. btw. by the time the game will be on Steam they will fix all bugs etc. so it is wise to wait.
BTW, if you BUY the game from Epic, the Dev's get more money (88% instead of 70%) so you would be doing the Devs a favour. That does NOT mean you need to use the EpicDisasterLauncher. Just add it as a Non-Steam game (if you have Steam) OR launch the game directly from the install folder. FFS, as PC owners you should ALL know how to make a shortcut?
ME will get here in exactly 1 year from the releaser date. That was the exclusivity deal done with Epic disasters. In the meantime, either put up or shut up.
Ive bought the games that are available on GOG. Ive bought the PS4 version s well. Still have yet to ever play one. Just not my taste. Rainy day type game. I am glad to see a publisher piss in the face of steam, but siding with epic is like pissing in their face while getting reamed from behind.
So They can either bring it to the platform that is not consumer hostile, Or not. Its not a big concern for me. But skipping GOG, or further delaying gog would be a mistake for them.
when it comes here I will buy it, I dont want to see GOG go out... I just started PC gaming and I have bought a bunch of games.
I can wait for a year until the game is released on GOG. I am not going to buy it from Epic. It is really sad as the developers did an amazing job.
If Deep Silver and everyone else involved wants to put their games on a unestablished digital platform on the PC exclusively instead of on each separate digital platform that already has its established user bases, then I can wait for them to come out on my platforms of choice and wait for a deep sale. Or just forget about it entirely as I move on to other games.
It was a bad move by DS, but what would you do? They give you a good offer to release it exclusive, would you say no? The bigger problem is Epic with the chinese owner. They have enough money to do this with other publishers as well.
This was such a scummy move from deep silver. they made it exclusive literally two weeks before the game's release and all the physical boxes have steam logos with a sticker covering it up.
They can't release it on Steam or GOG for minimum 1 year. They have a deal with Epic, I think it would be expensive to buy out and Epic won't allow that. Epic is going to save me a lot of money. Won't buy games of a Publisher anymore who sells just one game (time)exclusive on Epic.
Don't buy it on the Epic Store and Deep Silver will have no choice but to release it on GOG and Steam.
I hope it will be released here on GOG. I would also buy it on Steam but I prefer to buy my Games on GOG. It doesn't matter if I have to wait a year or longer for it to be available here.
In theory it could show up here when it appears on Steam in 2020. Contact the devs and publisher and politely let them know you want a GOG release.
Waiting for release on GOG. Never mind when it will be (2020)
i'd MAYBE buy it on epic cause metro is awesome...except for the fact that epic as a game platform is complete @#$%, not even a FORUM.
Don't care how long I have to wait, since it's a one year exclusive anyway I will buy it on GOG only.
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