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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning completed
this version can still be purchased (Cd key /origins and non origins releases). code key applied with EA apps
Here's a wish for the original, non-Re-Reckoning version:
Мой ПК не способен нормально отображать РЕМАСТЕР. Добавьте оригинальную игру магазин, ванильная версия работает без проблем.
This has been wrongly marked as completed, as only the "remastered" version is available.
legal reasons could prevent a release of the original here
If re-reckoning is coming to GoG ... Why NOT the original with all its added features?
After all, it is on STEAM, it should be on GoG!
This wish may get completed when the remaster shows up; if you specifically want the ORIGINAL version on GOG, consider voting here: gog(.)com/wishlist/games/kingdoms_of_amalur_reckoning_original_nonrereckoning
i want this game too on gog :=)
Yes, GOG needs this. And we also need the Kel DLC and Teeth of Naros DLC too.
A reworking of the game with more difficulty modes to give the player more of a challenge would be great too, since what was provided originally was easy even on Hardest, especially if you went and did most of the side quests.
this would be awesome to have here at GOG
this is a game with an intellectual convergence of talents, GOG needs this! thanks!
underrated gem, we need this
Please, please, please... Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. That is my wish. Thank you very much.!
i wish for this game as well
I would buy this as soon as it's available!!!
Yep, will buy this quick time
I really hope this one can happen!
THQ Nordic should be the owner so there is hope
We need that game on GOG !!!
I'd love to have it here
I would love the opportunity to purchase this game, and the DLC content (The Legend of Dead Kel, Teeth of Naros). Thanks!
I'd love a GOG version of Kingdoms of Amalur! It would certainly motivate me to play through the game again.
Yep, just searched for this hoping to find it here.
I can't believe it hasn't been added, I'd definitely get it here if it was.
I would buy the complete edition for its original price if it was released here. Some polish to make it run smoother, and it would justify a high price.
Yes please!
insta buy for me and my friends
need this game on gog drm free
What a a disaster the bankruptcy of the 38 Studios was. We will never get a sequel, so please GoG at least give us this one.. It's one of the best RPGs ever made and it's a crime that it's not available here. If not possible due the licensing at least give as an info.
Add me to the list of people down on their knees begging for this game. It's awesome!
Please work to bring this game to GOG. It is currently only available on Steam, and we all know why no one here wants to buy it on Steam. Intrusive assholery does not increase my gaming pleasure one iota, but DRM free play surely does. Seriously, it is a great game. While you can see spots where it was clearly unfinished, it is not particularly buggy, unlike MANY games I have bought both on Steam and GOG that are virtually unplayable due to bugs. I LOVE THIS GAME! I think the ball player guy who ran the company into the ground is ludicrously optimistic claiming the title was worth a billion dollars, but it is DEFINITELY one of the best games of its type out there. I would REALLY like to have this game for my own so I can finish playing it, instead of only getting a little ways into it under Steam's "family not-sharing" junk.
there is a chance of remake or remaster of the game since THQ acquired the IP although EA still holds the distribution rights. When the new KoAR comes I hope it is available here.
This game is not perfect but he is cool. Add him on GOG, please.
Would love to see it on here.!
Had this on the 360, but i didn't play it very much because it was around the time i was focusing my time on playing the PS4. Really would like to see this game, as well as the DLC.
Already have it on ps3 but I could buy it on PC. This game is so underrated but I love it.
THQ Nordic acquired the game recently but EA retains distribution rights. That may not bode well.
Now it's your chance GOG!
Please, I have no wish to use Steam or Origin. Looks awesome too.
Is it possible to downvote this? I hated this game...
i love this game! i have it on steam on sale but would buy it again [on sale] to have it drm free. i also hope it comes to Switch.
Came here to mention THQ Nordic owns it now as well. Perfect time for it to come home on!
The odds suddenly look much better: THQ Nordic just bought the Amalur IP.
It'd totally buy this. Please bring to GOG.
Zero ideas why EA even bother to shove some kind of internet functional into KOAR since ints pure single player gem. DRM-free version will be 100% awesome and since Dragon Age already on GOG I bet KOAR might join sooner or later
+1. Please bring to GOG
Add this game to GOG, please. I don't like Steam and its DRM.
Still have hope that this one will show up on GOG one day soon.
94 comments about this wish