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Jill of the Jungle 1-3 completed
Thanks, GOG, for bringing Jill of the Jungle to us! I love this classic!
Want this game too
I would love to have all three chapters of this game. I only got to play the shareware level.
Seeing how well Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2 and Epic Pinball are received on GoG, I can see this working out. While it doesn't quite hold up as well as many other platformers, it's still notable for being one of the first VGA games. It also has some cool puzzles in it and the transformations added quite a bit of depth not seen on PC games of its era. Definitely one of the more notable Shareware platformers still missing from GoG. I really wanna see a legal way to obtain the trilogy.
I'd purchase this. ^_^
I'd definitely pay for these games as a trilogy!
I'm really excited about the Jazz collection, if only because it (hopegully) increases the chances of getting Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy here!
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