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Jill Of The Jungle completed
Wow, this game is free and it is fun and relaxing.
I'll buy it, twice! You've got the other Epic games now... please, this one next!
This would be awesome to have!
Another game I want to add in my Library.
I'd love to buy this game that was a centerpiece of my childhood! but until it's available here, at least we can play it at
I would love to see this game on gog
Waiting for years now GOG! Please give me my Jill!!!
Just another customer saying they want to buy this good old game from their childhood.
Who needs Duke if you've got Jill.
I would pay good money for this game! Please add it :)
please add this game
Now that we have the Jazz duology, it's time to bring his predecessor back from the digital grave as well. Especially since she's got her own table in Epic Pinball!
I loved this game so much as a kid, and never got to play the second and third episodes. If we can't get it on GOG, where else can we get it?
Wow.. on the wishlist since 2012, 700+ votes and still nothing.
I was actually really disappointed when I first found out about GOG (back when it was still referred to as "Good Old Games") and it didn't have the Jill of the Jungle series at all. To add insult to injury, another game I remember playing on my 386SX25 Compaq Deskpro back in the same time frame (Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure) *is* actually on GOG, despite being nowhere near as good.
Doesn't look like JotJ will ever make it to GOG either, considering how nothing has happened in 5 years.. :(
If it ever comes to GOG, I'd buy the whole series instantly, that's for sure
Please add the Jill of the jungle games Gog team!
This game was my childhood and has a special place in my heart. Don't forget the real classics!
Please please add Jill of the Jungle!
I love this game please add it I have played the demo
I'd buy this day 1!
Man it's been so long since I've played this. Would really love to see this in GOG.
Now there's a trip through memory lane, stumbling upon this in the community wishlist! It'd be terrific to own and play this one again!
one of the first game to show the female as a lead character and a heroine as well love all three games but never found where to buy it
I loved this game even though we only had it as shareware back in the day.
yes yes yes yes yes.
I have this series for myself but want to buy it for some others as a gift.
This was one of my first video games.
I never got to play the second and third installments. I would LOVE to play them!!!
I'd so play this game. It was on the DOS computers when I was at the Boys and Girls Club in my area, as a child, AND when I worked there. Never got to finish it. Please add it, I will totally buy it as soon as I see it.
I am interested, but with one condition.... the program JillEdit (or equivalent), where you're able to create and edit maps AND OBJECTS!
I am most interested in purchasing Jill of the Jungle
This was one of my first games on PC when I was a child. I used to run it on an 80386 processor and it was so much fun! Add it to the catalogue GOG, please!
If you add it, they will buy it.
Oh yes Please Jill of the Jungle I can't wait to play that again.
I love this game as a kid! And I never got to play the second and third episodes!! It would be so great to have this on GOG!!!
This might have been the game I played the most growing up. I would love to play it again!!
I've already voted for this, I believe -- and I find that I'd love to vote for it a second time!
Both my husband and I recently discovered we played these games as kids. We'd both love to play them again!!
Amazing classic!
Add the whole trilogy please. More people need to play these games, they are classics!
One of the best dos platformers. Would love to pick this up on GOG.
I've wanted for a very long time to get hold of the full trilogy - I had the sharware episode a long time ago, and re-acquired it more recently, but I don't think that I've ever managed to get hold of the remaining episodes. Here's hoping that the full trilogy appears here on Good Old Games! ^_^
Surely we're not the only ones on here that remember this classic. I so would buy this trilogy in a heartbeat.
This was one of the first computer games that I played. Come on, GOG. Get this one on here! :)
I want this one so bad! C'mon GOG!! This one is a real Good Old Game!! it's a must!!!
I would really love it if this game becomes available for purchase on GOG... Jill of the Jungle is really one of the best games ever made!!
First game in an awesome oldschool sidescroller series. I spent so much time on it when I was younger, I would love to buy it again on GOG.
46 comments about this wish