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Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus
1 +
With the merger now complete, is it time for another look at this?
Since Microsoft bought out Activision, maybe there's new hope for seeing this?
Now that Hexen II itself is on GOG, Praevus can't be far behind, I would hope...
I would like it for my HeXen II GOG version.
I want it for my HeXen II GOG version
it was massive in terms of extra content provided, more people should have a chance of experiencing this
I tried the Hammer of Thyrion + 3pak addition (from abandonware download) solution. When i reached the Mill, game crashed and keeps crashing. Add the mission pack officially , IMBECILES! Pull off a new Diablo + Hellfire! Stop selling incomplete packages, such as the Dungeon Siege series!
Oh please, we can't remain without this piece to end the Serpent Riders saga!
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