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Heavy Gear 2
please bring it to gog!
best mecha get!
I want this game
The only game i will buy all: game and features and all, also desktop images and every stuff you decide to sell. Sneak underwater with a lethal sniper rifle and 3 shells for 3 opponent gear ... Oooh my love
Would love to see a childhood favorite come back!
Never worked for me either, I think it always crashed after the 3rd or 4th mission in the campaign, so I was stuck with playing skirmishes. I remember digging through the game's folder and finding a folder with videos. I watching them all excited and it made the pain of not being able to progress with the campaign worse :/
Please bring it back and make it work on modern computers
This game never worked for me in the past. Lol. It always bugged out at the same point in the campaign.
Um. If this happens I will buy 10 copies and distribute to friends.
it will be mine on day zero.. but even the day before. Where have i to send my money?
Best game of my childhood, will definitely buy it again
10/10 would buy and play again. WELCOME TO GOMORRAH, ASS-CRACK OF THE UNIVERSE. This game was badass.
Will definitely buy if this is re-release under Win 10. Hopefully they will include a mission or map editor as well.
Would absolutely pay extra to play this wonderful game
Would love to play the 2 Heavy Gear games.
Great game, highly worth it. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
If you really want to play this game WITH NO CRASHES and even a graphical remake just do this tutorial STEP by STEP and it works... i did it in WINDOWS 10 and works fine!
I would absolutely love to play this again, but it needs at least 1 tweak: THE ABILITY TO SKIP THE INTRO SCENES BEFORE EACH LEVEL. I do NOT want to have to hear "Welcome to Gomorrah, asscrack of the universe!" over and over again.
mMy childhood. i would love to have heavy gear 1,2 mechwarrior 2 remastered to run on modern systems. please activision.
Would absolutely buy this game!
I would love to see proper widescreen support for heavy gear 2
This needs more votes
Great game ^_^
Truly one of the best Mech games of the time. Would love to play again!
Yeah, Heavy Gear Pt. 1+2 , we want it.
Yes Please!!!!!!
i would buy Heavy Gear 2 so bad <3 <3 really want this!!!
Did not play 2 but the original kept me hooked for ages back when I still had the game.
Heavy Gear 2 - with full Linux support.
What more could a mech fan wish for year 2018, when MW5 and Battletech are already coming?
I do not know if i remember it correctly, but I think HG1 was more awesome than 2. more customization options.
I'm still dreaming about Heavy Gear II. It gave the full feeling of a tactical combat in armored suit and it had an intense gameplay.
OHMYGOD PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING THIS BACK!!! This game was my so important to my childhood. This solidified me as a PC gamer for life. It was my first game to play online multiplayer (over dial-freaking-up). I was SO into this game, I made a clan page for my clan DSR (Dark Star Rogues, I was *DSR* VyperByte) on HomePages and ran that like a boss! I convinced my mom to let me use the internet for almost 48 hours once just so I could download the 50mb MapEditor file. I was so into this game growing up guys. It's a genuine gem. I even STILL HAVE the player manual and original box it came somewhere (disc was stolen long ago). Anyways, this was a great game, still is, and deserves resurgence. There is even a fan-version of this game on Steam right now 'Heavy Gear Assault' which is the HG3 we always wanted but never got. Anyways, can't say it enough Heavy Gear 2 is LIFE! It deserves to win. Thank you.
Yes please bring back this game , both 1 and 2. It was one of a kin mech games . Love it very much !
While HG 1 is veeeeery dated, HG 2 is still fun. i'd love them both back! :D please please please please please please please please!
It would be great to have Heavy Gear II back, I played it thousands of time during my childhood... never played a mech game like that. The linux version would be great, for I could set a LAN party up using old pcs :D
This game was my childhood. I would LOVE to build my own gear again!
Has anyone tried running it within pcem and windows 98? Or DXWnd?
I would buy both Heavy Gear games right away if they appeared on GOG. Always had trouble getting them to work on modern systems :/
It would be great to have Heavy Gear 2 Linux version. I already own WIndows version but it's very problematic to run in Linux wine.
What I wouldnt do for heavy gear to be released. I loved those two games and I upgraded my computer for BOTH when released just to play them!
Would love to see either HG1 or 2 available again. No other mecha game I have ever played thereafter gave me as much fun!! I will buy HG Assault if and when it becomes available but I would love a chance to be a GEAR pilot again!!! Note, I talked to a DP-9 rep some years ago and he told me that the Space Missions of HG-2 were actaully first designed as a "tech demo" for another one of DP-9's games ....... Jovian Chronicles!! However the "suit" were worried it wouldn't sell and so the project was scrapped. I for one would have purchased the game in a heartbeat. By the way, Jovian Chronicles reminds one of Mobile Suit Gundam especially given that the game under consideration would have used the Zero-G flight model that was so perfectly demoed in HG-2.
This game stands up today as the right way to do the genre. So far, Heavy Gear Assault is keeping me busy but the classics are always a blast to return to.
I loved this game when it came out and would love to see it reborn on GOG.
I would love to see this game on GOG Totally Buy It!
Bah, Heavy Gear Assault will probably never see the light of day. Back when I was still paying attention to it, MekTek seemed bound and determined to destroy every last bit of community goodwill that they had.
Would love to see GOG get this game.
Not so much the Heavy Gear Assault MOBA Stompy Bot is trying to put out.
next best mech game next to mech warrior, this need to be in GOG.
Probably the best mech simulator, i much preferd over MechWarrior. Would definitely buy together the first one.
Heavy Gear Assault needs our help!
You claim to love the originals? Then lets see the reboot through!
(If you use my registration code, that'd be awesome, but no pressure!)
I really really really hope they add this game. It was one of my favorite games and I would love to play it again. Cant wait to see the new one in action either.
I doubt GOG could get this game, if you read this article you can see Stompy Bot have signed an Excluse deal for the Heavy Gear franchise, so i doubt GOG could get licensed to re-release the originals:
62 comments about this wish