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Heart Of Darkness
i'd love this game
I'll slip ya a 2 bob and a couple shillings if you make this game available to purchase
Do it! Go it! Do it! DO IT! DO......IT! do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it,
Pls GoG bring it ..was a great game
For the love of god, please! I am on my knees begging you! PLEASE!
Nearly 6k votes, please bring Heart Of Darkness :)
Please, take my money!!
If we had it today, it wouldn't be soon enough
One of the first games I had on PlayStation, would be great to play again.
Agree with all. Loved this game
Very good game, we want it on GOG :)
Incredible game not to be made available again.
Ocean Software may be dead, but the Heart of Darkness lives on. Bring it!
Let's go, I no longer have my PS1 and wish to play this game again!
GOG please!
Played alot this game when i was a kid. Pls add this game <3
It was a great Game..pls bring it to GOG
waiting for this game !
giv meh diz gem pliz
Still waiting for this one, absolute banger!
Italian please!
pls add Heart of Darkness
Cmon, bring this gem if you can GOG.
za pół miesiąca rok 2023, a Heart of Darkness jak nie było tak nie ma. Panowie, moja córka dorasta chciałbym, aby wychowała się na tym klasyku! Syn w drodze, też musi to przejść! :)))))
So, after all the years. No chance to get it?
GOG just give us this game and take my money...So simple. Already 2 years people are asking for it....
My mother, now passed away, used to play this game, and she loved it. Will buy it 100%
we need this game!!
it would be even better in english or russian languages^^
Excellent game! And im commenting this on french games week! Must have please!
Thank you for everything
Please also in German :)
+1 will buy.
Give me this game now, please...
Any News about that GOG is caring about it? I would it love to play it again
I love this game so much! I don't mind the resulution - the animation and colors are awesome! This is the game with the best feeling climbing mechanics of all time! The only think that looks dated are the 3d cutscenes :)
Yes. I'm glad I remembered the name. I wanted to play this, but didn't.
French please!
Classic. Would love to purchase this.
One of the best platform games ever made. This deserves to be available forever.
308 comments about this wish