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The game is very interesting, for many people it is a childhood game, it needs a remake or a remaster.
Played this SO much way back when I was an awkward teenager. Loved every bit of it. Please bring it to GOG!
I voted for It... Loved this back in 1998 or so. I still have the disk. It is worse every new Windows system, now a blacked out hud. I only did not like no saves during missions, but maybe Nightdive could do it right :-)
From what I recall, this was an interesting mech-game with the possibility to exit it. I believe I only played the demo, so a re-release of the full thing would be nice.
Talking to my older brother about this on the phone right now. Please do
I would definitely love to be able to play this game again. I remember as a kid playing it on my family's brand new (at the time lol) Packard Bell back in 1998. Would also be fun to try the multiplayer battles again.
I went looking for this game too. While its "free" elsewhere, we need a version of the game that is more reliable but most importantly, has the soundtrack built into the game proper. If you go get the game elsewhere, there is no music or cuscenes.
omg i am so glad I'm not the only one who wants the game back!
i would love this game! doesn't square enix own the IP after acquiring Eidos who acquired Ion Storm who had a bunch of 7th level people on it for Dominion Storm?
Add this please! Loved it as a child would love to revisit again!
Keep voting people! we need to get this game on gog!
This is a classic game that needs to be re-released in it's current state it has trouble getting stream and captured on modern systems. please re-release it!
90's mech game. what's not to love? The rts version dominion storm over gift 3 was cool too.
been waiting years to replay this
Flawed but a classic.
Lazy Game Reviews - G-Nome - 7th Level's Forgotten Mech Game [2017-08-25]
According to a comment on 7th Level's Wikipedia page (viewable on the Talk page) back in 2006 by the daughter of George Grayson, the company 7th Level is still around as Imagination Station aka I-Station owned by George Grayson.
My first pc game ever wish more people loved it as much as i do :*(
This game had a nice variety of missions where you moved both on foot and in mechs/vehicles. The Friend or Foe Identifier code system made it possible to fool the enemy into thinking you were one of them after stealing a vehicle! Good memories.
With multiplayer support with bots and four different races to choose from, it would be awesome to play this online with better A.I.
Night Dive Studios, the developers who modernized Strife among other good old games, should pick this one up! What's needed to make this game truly shine today is a driver fix for the in-game smk-video render, adding perspective correction to fix the "wiggly" texture rendering, and adding larger textures. I'm sure I saw gameplay footage in an old video clip where the mechs made "footstep" sounds when moving, like in other mech games (they are heavy and should make sounds), this could be added as well. Those developers could hear with the original developers at 7th Level. As the game stands today it runs and plays on 64bit Windows 7, I haven't tried Win. 8 etc. :)
Anyone here thinks it sounds like a good idea?
Need! On of my first games ever :p
keep voting people :)
This was literally my first Windows game that I ever played. It has great sentimental value to me and I would love to see it as easily playable on a modern system. Sadly, I lose all of the cinematics and such even if I can get it to run on a modern OS.
I loved the demo back in the day (never bought it, sadly). I'd love to see this on GOG.
Yep, should be up there with Mechwarrior 2, Earthsiege etc. :)
i know, it's like mechwarior but with the ability to travel on foot or other vehicles
Can't believe there isn't more support for this one. This was one of the greatest games ever
Sure would be nice to see G-Nome here on GoG. :) Perhaps some code-wizards will one day figure out how to increase the game's resolution., eventually the textures themselves. Never got to try the multiplayer other than with bots... +1 for G-Nome!
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