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Emperor: Rise Of The Middle Kingdom completed
I purchased game from gog
Com. Tried to install and it says there is no application available. I use a Mac. HELP!!
I've been playing it thanks to you guys for over a year now.. So thank you! :D
I cant believe my eyes!! :D
Super excited this game is on GOG now, just got it!
The completionist part of me is really happy seeing the whole series of Impressions' city-builders here on GOG. Now I can die in peace.
Chronological order: Caesar, Caesar II, Caesar III, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, Zeus (Acropolis), Emperor RotMK, Caesar IV.
In Windows 10 I do not see any building animations at all
Haha, finally GOG did it! You guys are the best!
GOG you are the greatest!
Yesss, finally the series is complete! Thank you GOG! :D
Thanks for bringing us Emperor, and for completing the set with the first two Caesars (which I've never seen, but am looking forward to giving a try). Instant purchases for me.
Very much appreciated. Thanks GOG!
It's finally here on GOG! I'm so happy to see this great title on the site, GOG can truly say it has all of Impressions' classic city builders! :D
Please GOG, add this game, you already released all the other games of that series, why not his one too?
Please add this game, over 5600 people have requested it so far (and rising). The vast majority would buy it from you if it was released.
I already have a DRM free copy of this game, but playing it with compatibility issues. I need an updated version for Windows 10. Hope GoG put it on sale.
Caesar3, Pharaoh and Zeus on GoG .
Why not this seriously?
we been asking for this for at least 2 years.....come on GOG!!!
We need it! We already have the rest of the City Builder series, it makes sense!
Please GOG! It's one of the best in the series!
and me!
GOG Please add this game!!
Please GOG! We need this so badly.
I want it now
Asked for this before and I'm gonna ask again! One of my favourite city builders! Give me the game and TAKE MY MONEY, PLEASE! <3
Please add this classic to your list of games. I would love to play it again.
on my list of pc games I still need from many years ago
over 5500 people want this game, please add it!
Please add this game!
This is my favorite Impressions game BY FAR and I'll buy it the day it becomes available. Triple promise!
i love this game!
I really need this games, brings back so much nostalgia.
Please add this game
yeah horrorsh0w, you're right -- it's getting hard to get hold of, in good quality or second-hand CD. I wrote to GOG customer service, saying "I'm not asking for any promises, but please just say if this is a title you're at least going to try to get, so that if you're not, I can know to try to hunt a copy down before it's gone completely" -- and I only got the pat "we don't disclose our plans" reply I'm sure they give everyone. However they see it, it's not exactly customer-oriented.
Ah well, I found an original Sierra release copy -- brand new and still sealed, as it turns out -- on Amazon. Now I just have to make it work on post-XP Windows, but at least I have the actual game ...
Add this game please will be so nice
Please add this game GoG! :)
Please, please, please <3
Am not gonna say that we need this game and it should have been on GoG since long ago but... We do need want this game and YES it should have been on GoG since long ago.
Yes please!
I want it, I need it....
Don't hold out on us gog. We need this man. Need it!
please i need this <3
many games in the wishlist are unrealistic, but this one should be easier. as others say, I would pay much gold for this game playable on win10. thanks everybody and keep up supporting this petition :)
Oh man this game was great when I was younger. Would love to play again as an adult to understands things.
Please, this is getting ridiculous. This game is on such high demand, and is very hard to get a hold of nowadays - just do it alreadyyyyyyyyyyy.
Really need it
We need this on GoG.
583 comments about this wish