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Elden Ring
Make it happen, Local Multiplayer, Don't disappoint me
*take my money!!!*
Even if it’s Singleplayer only
好主意 我支持
I support this. Please make this available on gog
Not voting on this thread. I would only vote on Dark Souls 3 (ONLY) and Elden Ring if FROM Soft is willing to gut their game of the trojan viruses and anticheat and Steamworks / GOG Galaxy API.
Otherwise I will not play it on their official servers. I will only play using Elden Ring COOP mod over Local Area Networking (OFFLINE) with my brother. I have no wish to play this game with strangers unless they make it more like 1993 Doom and Quake.
Little Nightmare 1+2 was the only games the publisher was ever releasing on GoG and Elden Ring is kinda their "uber-franchise". It seems like a lot of luck needed for making it happen.
Please add this to GOG. I have it on ps4, but would rather play on pc
I 100% support this.
@Dancsi38 Even if I could choose, I would prefer the offline mode. So I don't care if the online mode needs to be removed on GOG.
Great idea. I wan to test it !
As long as I'm not forced to play online or multi player I would love to own a copy on GOG DRM free!
Now that there is a mod for first-person perspective, I would buy this game if it were DRM-free. I also do not care about multiplayer.
Some commenters don't seem to be aware that the game has an offline mode. Multiplayer isn't necessary to the game at all. When that part is taken out, we are left with a single player action RPG and one of the best at that. I'll keep playing it on PS4 for the time being, but if it ever becomes DRM free on the number one platform of my preference, that'll be a dream coming true.
@Espasanegra, Little Nightmare is single player, adventure/horror game, there is no constant online connection in it, Elder Ring has that (because you can invade other players).
PLEASE make this game available here on GOG! I refuse to buy it at Steam! I don't play multiplayer very often so I don't care if it gets ripped out.
Some people are saying "i don't like games with DRM" but this game only has SteamAPI DRM, and it's not forced online, you can play without internet.
Why would Bandai Namco be a blocker? Little Nightmares is also published by Bandai Namco and is available on GOG.
If it's released here, the multiplayer will be ripped out without warning or explanation. No Man's Sky was like that (although HG did add it back in later), Shadow of War is like that, and I'm sure the same has happened to many others.
And just like Shadow of War, it'll have been out of development for long enough that nobody will give a single solitary damn about addressing the feature castration.
One can dream
I would buy it for 100$ on GOG but not for 1$ with DRM/forced online.
Would love see an offline version of this game (or online optional) released on GoG.
Considering that I refuse to play games with DRM or mandatory online, this is the only way I would try this game.
Oldschool game design, this game needs to be here
Quartz sand purification process
Anyone who knows <a <a href="href="">quartz" class="light_un" target="_blank">href="">quartz</a> sand</a> knows that quartz sand is widely used and is a non-metallic mineral raw material. The purification of quartz sand is difficult. Quartz sand mainly contains some other impurity minerals, including iron-containing impurity minerals: goethite, hematite, limonite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, tourmaline, amphibole, biotite, etc. The presence of these impurities greatly reduces the use value of quartz sand, so it is very important to remove iron from quartz sand.
In recent years, the research of <a <a href="href="">quartz" class="light_un" target="_blank">href="">quartz</a> sand purification and deep processing technology</a> mainly focuses on mineral processing and purification (physical method, chemical method, biological method and combined purification method), silicon powder processing (ultrafine grinding, spheroidization) and surface modification.
Elden Ring will never be on GOG, for reasons that are very transparent.
please no only old games xD
Yes, please.
If Elden Ring did release here I would actually get it. Also I would gladly purchased Dark Souls 1-3 and Sekiro again so that I can actually own a digital copy rather than the stupid license to use that is available on Steam. (Purchased them years ago and no longer will buy any games with DRM)
probably wont but cheer for it anyway.
NO G r O G , NO P l A Y !
I'm not a FromSoftware fan (I don't like extremely difficult games OR the "git gud" community their games have created) but this is one of them that I'm interested in trying. I'd be much, much more likely to do so if it were on GOG.
not gonna happen, the game requires constant internet connection (for multiplayer/co-op) + EAC (Easy anti-cheat) is always activated too in the gamer (lots of online services and protections).
If GOG will release this, then after something is not good in the game (about DRM), then you will all complain about it like you did with Hitman (2016) and ask GOG to remove the game fromt he store.
You dream about a huge AAA game that is not 100% DRM free.
Published by namcobandai. The chances are like 0.1% to be in this store. Not even the classic pacman or digd dug arcade roms are sold here, lol.
Yes please, would be an instant buy!
I'm going to buy it on PC anyway and everything I can get on PC I try to get on GOG.
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