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Diggles: The Myth of Fenris completed
Thank you very much! I bought it the instant I spotted it on GOG.
This might help, haven't tried it out yet.
loved this game back when. wish they would bring it back.
Blöde Elfe. Donner doch gegen den Fels da !
man this would be a fantastic game to come back especially the the popularity explosion of dark crystal.
I really hope this will come out. Diggles had so much going for it. From the massive tech tree to the skill based requirements.
If you still have the game or have a copy there is a way to get it to work on Win 10
One of my childhood games. I hope it will be on gog someday. There is no way to get his game now.
I would be so glad to be able to play it again
I played this game when it first came out and was too stupid to play it, I would love to be able to play it now.
Just do it X)
pls ;-;
With survival city builders being a trending thing pretty much since Banished crashed onto the scene, looking back at the intricacy of the simulation (ah the micro of having to take care of your entire population as it grows) and AI I really feel this game was ahead of its time and would see a lot of players have a go at it. I worry the people voicing their opinions here might not be considered as enough simply because it's such an obscure game (since it wasn't commercially successful). I hope you can see the potential in this and give us a port :3
This was a very unusual game and entertaining. IIRC it was a good family friendly game but still fun for adults. Difficult to find and difficult to run on modern PCs, it'd be an ideal game for GOG to bring back.
I still have the original version, but it doesn't run on today's software (and maybe hardware). Instant buy the second I'll see it here.
to play is game is like living the game you got over30 Als running amuck and actually learning the tricks you train....and to build a whole society of zwergs is awesome i would love to to get lost in it again what is it you need to make this happen? Innoics is defunct and First Strategy no longer supports it or is it the actual coding you need to work with...i am sure it would be easy to come by we would all love to play it again.
Duza wiedze na ten temat ma
DIIIIGGGGLLLLEEESSSSS!!!! I want to please! :D
Diggles <3 would love be able to play it again or maybe CD Project can hire the guys who made diggles and make a "spiritual" successor. Game deservers it!
One more buy here!
I need Diggles! I wanna buy it
Wiggles Diggles, its so confusing :D
+1 for The Diggles release on GOG
Oh, please make it happen!
I would love to check out this game
pretty please
Same here, one more definite sell :)
A really underrated game. When I played as as a child it lagged like hell on my PC when my population of Diggles grew. I wish I could play this again!
+1 i would love to see this childhood game on this plat form. Definetely Instantly gonna buy that
I have the original files since ripping them from my cd in 2001, yet never managed to finish this wonderful game. Managed to get them to run with newer patches on win 7, while still having to save with a console command but yet got stopped out again by the food production bug. to this day 17 years later, I yearn to finally experience this game in its entirety and if gog could somehow manage to release this gem in a playable and completable state, I'd not only buy it, I'd be forever grateful for them granting me this wish.
So yes, +1
I really want it. STOP
+1 I would love to see Diggles (Wiggles in german) on GoG !!
I'd love to see that game on GOG. My diggles kept starving to death, because of a bug :(
+1 for The Diggles release on GOG
I love this game!! I need this on Windows 10
Please add this game. we all really want to see her.
i would love to play this game again. i was lucky to play it on windows 7 after that nothing.
Loved this game! Please bring it back, even if it was frustratingly flawed. I really enjoyed it!
It´s confirmed but there is no news since 2 years and 2 months:
GoG, what´s happening to the game?
i tried a solution and it briefly came on but only white screen then nothing. and i am running windows 10.
has anyone tried running it under dos box, i cant remember if it was a windows platform or dos. i played it some in the past but never got to complete it before my brother and i lost the disk.
There are quite some "solutions" online, and for some people they seem to work. But not for all of us. I managed to get it running on Win10 last year, but some month later it suddenly refused to work any more.
So please, GOG, bring back this classic! I would buy it!
info on pc gaming wiki with all the info out there for getting this game to work on diff systems no reason ppl cannot still play this game if they put some effort into it ..
for sound issues here is the link i was referring to i failed to post it and cant edit on gog
You need all three of these patches install in order they are presented 707 814 844 and then add the setmode for win 7 last you can find more discussion on the issues here
For sound issues on 64 bit windows click this link and scroll down to where you see a poster talking about playing on win7 64 bit also for both 32 and 64 try lowering your hardware acceleration in properties advanced troubleshooting or for win 10 in the NVidia control panel or Catalyst control panel
User Manual here I havent played it yet nor messed around with redoing the game but it looks easy to mess around with like sims 1 or 2 check this out
One of the most original games I've ever played. Fun and addictive, I'd love to play it once more (and more and more)
i love this game sooo much!! i try fix this game so that i can play this on win10. but it wont work 100%. it has graphics stuttering and sound problems.
GOG pls fix it und i buy it!
I would buy it in heart flash as it abandoned, I would buy it if you guy can fix it up as the dwarfs become relly stupid after while when more things come up.. so pleases gog make it happend
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