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Devastation is the best dystopian game ever made and as far as I'm concerned was the best game that nobody played of 2003. It had better gunplay than Doom 3 or Half Life 2 (fight me), and the spawner missions (i.e. the levels set in Taiwan) had among the most ambitious and innovative game design ever in the history of the FPS genre. Digitalo Studios basically created a new genre with the Taiwan levels since they were one of the very few examples of bot A.I. being used in single player FPS along with F.E.A.R. But I would argue Devastation did that idea better because Digitalo took the concept of bots in a single player campaign one step further by giving enemies & teammates the ability to respawn due to the respawning technology featured in the game that is central to its plot. The respawning mechanic along with the bot AI made playing Devastation feel more dynamic than pretty much any other FPS of its time. The spawner (Taiwan) missions basically felt like an early sandbox FPS, featuring interactive physics and dynamic AI before shooters like Crysis were even an idea. And the way that Digitalo was able to tie the concept of respawning bot AI into the game's plot is nothing short of genius. The Taiwan missions were so good that I wish the entire game had been like that. Honestly, any complaints I have about Devastation (like the tacked-on "realistic" mode or the amateur voice acting) would just be minor nit-picks. Really the biggest complaint any fan of Devastation can make about it is how notoriously difficult it is to experience the game; it's one of those overly ambitious uber-jank PC exclusives that's difficult to get running on modern systems and has never been available digitally. It's up there with the likes of Trespasser and Black and White in regards to aspects like compatibility, availability and general bugginess. Oh, and there's also the fact that it never got a sequel, despite ending on a cliffhanger, which is another gripe for fans of the game. Devastation is definitely one of the "holy grails" of overly-ambitious PC exclusives, despite its obscurity, and would be a must-play for hardcore fans of the FPS genre if only it weren't so scarce and inaccessible. Here's hoping for a digital release on GOG one day. *fingers crossed*
The game had a really cool death / respawn mechanic.
And enemies could make use of it too, not just the player.
I'd love to see this game on GOG!
This game was badass.. would love to see it on GOG
I have this on CD somewhere. I remember enjoying it, think i lost progress after a PC crash and rebuild and didn't make it back to it.
It would be great to have a digital release patched to work on Win 10
Please add it!
God. I hope this game gets added. I played this game around 10 years ago after finding a copy of it laying in the basement of the house I lived in and loved every second of it, Unfortunately the game basically doesn't work anymore due to the DRM on Windows 10. Please, Add this to GoG. It's a classic when it comes to UE2 Shooters
Yes, I owned this and played through multiple times when there were far less games to choose from in a year.
Great game, especially for it's time... making use of a lot to get the best graphics it could..... I surprized this isn't available anywhere.
In addition to my earlier comment, this game is not available on any platforms at the moment, and I don't think has ever been distributed digitally. GOG would have first move on it. The rights are apparently in holding by a bankrupcy broker, and I imagine can be picked up for a song.
I sought out this feature specifically to request this game.
This game was like Red Faction meets Children of Men. It's the only game I know of that actually had a logic system to respawning. Any access to this game would be amazing, and encourage modern reskins and mods to keep it current.
OMG, my first FPS....
I want it so much!)
So sad, that this game not sale anywhere(
I still have cd but I haven't had my XP computer going for quite sometime.
I use a TV and I don't have a placed for my monitor and that computer. I tried wins 10 & 7 but I'm unable to get it running . But I would love to be able to play this again, its a cool game
Would love to see this Game on GOG.
I remember playing this game years back. Would be an instabuy if I ever see it on GOG, altough it was kinda buggy (team mates always got stuck etc). The graphics were really good for 2003 (unreal 2 engine), plus the game world was awesome. Some kind of near future alternate universe if I remember correctly, with levels around a worn out city (like Detroit now :P or City 17 in HL2). For some reason it reminded me of the Twelve Monkeys movie, the areas in which Bruce Willis beat the s**t out of some hobos.
Love to get this baby
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