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Dark Souls 1, 2 & 3
Played em all on PS and I'm kinda holding my breath for them to get on GOG instead of buying on Steam, make it fully offline and I'd still purchase
Not a fan of these type of games... too hard.. but I will purchase this anyway if available on this platform
Would buy instantly:D
It would be awesome.
would be great :)
Please, I'd buy it straight away.
I got banned on steam from using a mod to run DSR in ultrawide screen. Once you are banned, it is permanent. With the amount of people banned for mundane reasons, GOG could make a lot of money from players willing to buying the game again. Like myself.
And while we're at it, Demon's Souls [original not remake, please] and Bloodborne GOTY as well, please. Though that might be a tough one to pull off considering Sony would have to approve of that.
I tried the DS1 PC port that is available on Steam and the controls and camera are so bad it's unplayable. Unless they fix those in the process, there's no point.
+1, I miss PTDE
FromSoftware is leaving money on the table... Wsll it's their loss... and our too. I thought they are business that wants to make money?
Oh yeah.
I'm waiting and hoping they come to Gog... I'm not buying the 2nd and 3rd because I have difficulties with Steam. I would totally rebuy the first one too and play it for hours if DRM-free.
Would buy these day 1, full price + DLC, no questions asked. If the multiplayer needs to be stripped out to avoid DRM, so be it. Getting these games on preserved for historical importance really, really matters. Make it happen GOG!
After Elden Ring release these titles are worthy of being on GOG
Just pleeeeeeeze o.O
I'd like to see these challenging games on GOG. And play it of course! (for the first time)
Would be awesome!
Day 1 buy should they ever come here! Please FromSoftware and GOG make it happen!
What's FromSoft's stance on GOG, I wonder? Would they be willing to release the Dark Souls franchise on a DRM free platform? It would be really cool if they did.
I would really love to own these games DRM free and i would definitely play them for hours more
Też bym chciał, na pewno bym kupił
Please let this happen!
Souls-borne is my favourite game series which I've never played. I only watched the Let's-play videos and loved every minute of it. I almost gave in to the temptation when Steam released Dark Souls Remastered. But I do not want to support anti-consumer platforms like Steam, PlayStation etc. I'd rather download a pirated copy than to do that! Please, get these games. You will have my eternal gratitude AND my money! :)
Having never played them, I will hold out until GOG sells Bloodborne, Demon Souls, and Dark Souls 1,2,3. These are culturally important, landmark games, and I want to buy them from GOG.
Please demon soul too.
i play Dark Soul 3 on the ps4 right now, this game series have to be on GoG because it is a wounderfull game series.
will totally get all of them drm free
Leave the remastered edition to Steam, we want the original version of the first Dark Souls !!
This will likely never appear on GOG. At least while the servers are still up. They use Steamworks API for networking in all of the games.
was thinking of that today, will be great to have those game available on Gog ! :D
I'd be more than happy to buy all 3 drm free :)
day 1 purchase, would be my 3rd copy of each game.
Never played these games, but if they arrive to GOG, I would do!
Would be great :)
Day 1 purchase if they show up!
Really ? Why ?
Hell yeah especially since Prepare to Die Edition of the first game is no longer available to buy on Steam
61 comments about this wish