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Command and Conquer The Ultimate Collection
EA released the source code to some of the C&C games. So is there a chance they will come to gog now?
Some of the best classic games still missing from GOG.
its horrible on EA launcher... i need a clear version :((( please
I just saw it today at 6$ on Steam... I wish they will put up here too!!!
I have the disc releases but I'd insta-buy these if they come DRM-free on GOG.
Please the German and Englisch Version !!
I would definitely buy this the second it became available.
BreOl72 is fake
I own these on that terrible EA App... but the cool launchers mod no longer makes the EA App versions of these games DRM free like they were before... The Steam version + launcher mod and my old backup installations from long ago are still DRM free... BUT I'd buy them in a heartbeat on GOG, because all this tinkering is annoying as hell.
Waiting on GOG! I have the optic discs release but would buy it once more on
If any game is "good and old" and the old Command and Conquer games.
red alert and renegade were my jams back in the day, would insta-buy if they were on gog
+1 would be great to have it here.
I understood that buying the Game in the Steam (EGS, Fanatical - Steam, Humble Bundle - Steam, EA, Rockstar) store and enjoying it is better than waiting for it here (gog) for eternity. |||
A lot of games will never be published in the gog store it is a fact! For different reasons many games will never be published in the gog store - fuck_DRM policy (or at least gog trying to pretend DRM-free), absurd terms of cooperation that gog is pushing, support policy that is completely frustrating and disappointing, and of course non-professional personnel.
I understood that buying the Game in the Steam (EGS, Fanatical - Steam, Humble Bundle - Steam, EA) store and enjoying it is better than waiting for it here (gog) for eternity. |||
A lot of games will never be published in the gog store it is a fact! For different reasons many games will never be published in the gog store - fuck_DRM policy (or at least gog trying to pretend DRM-free), absurd terms of cooperation that gog is pushing, support policy that is completely frustrating and disappointing, and of course non-professional personnel.
The demand seems to be saturated and number of players decresed significantly on Steam. I hope GOG release date is about to come soon. GOG is the only (right) platform games this old deserv to be released. He are old games lovers...
still waiting!
some of these games was offered for free in the past.. Eh I want to say the original C&C and also Tiberian Sun / Fire Storm
Not sure if that is still the case.
Would still like to see the entire catalog though, including games like Generals, RA2 and Renegade which sadly did not get the respect it deserved... although the multi player was the best part about that game it had LAN play.
how the heck is this on steam but not gog what seriously
These Games should be on "Good old Games".
Cmon EA, release them on GOG too!
I want it but i want on GOG not steam, PLEASE RELEASE IT NOW !!
Come on GOG. They released classic collection that existed in GOG before, plus this bundled C&C games. Those C&C's should be here also.
Seriously, after they released the Ultimate Collection on Steam they should release it here as well.
Yes, EA finally decided to be less of a douche and released all the old command and conquer games on steam, if they would be on GoG I would get them here as well.
+1 please bring this to GOG!!
Would be nicer to have it here than anywhere else just for the offline installers. Throwing an offline installer (with help from innoextract) at a Win98 virtual machine (like PCem17) instantly deals with some modern quality of life issues such as scaling the VM window to embiggen those 800x600 resolutions, alt tabbing (though I did see that was added to the Steam release of C&C: TUC) and better handling multiple displays.
There can also be other odd quirks of 1990s PC games such as map scrolling speed increasing based on the CPU clock speed (as is the case in SimCity 3000 and Dungeon Keeper II) which makes just playing the games natively on modern machines a worse experience when you can barely control important aspects of the games such as simply moving around the map.
This has just escaped the confines of Origin/EA app, and was released on Steam. It's worth another try to add it to GOG's catalog.
EA finally released CnC Ultimate on Steam. It needs to come to GOG too. Such a classic series deserves to be here.
Except for Tib Twilight, that was rubbish.
Now that they are no longer being held hostage by the EA APP/ORIGIN anymore and are now on steam it might be worth GOG negotiating the rights to distribute the C&C collection on here now. I mean it'd be a better addition to the website given how the majority of the series are good old games than all those hentai block puzzle games
@fisk0 The ultimate collection never featured Sole Survivor, i think its due it was just a bunch of MP maps, also a map editor
Just bought it on Steam, hell, no more origin crap. I hope they bring it up here too
I think it has some problems with C&C4 because that one requires EA app to register it in torder to play
All the C&C games were just released on Steam (except for Sole Survivor). Really hope a GOG release isn't far off now.
Oh my God, Yes Please. I would pay a good price for this.
The first game I ever bought was the 8CD folding box of Command & Conquer: Worldwide Warfare.
The The Ultimate Collection is my childhood.
This would be fantastic to have. This would fit like a glove for GOG.
Would love to have it just to have out-of-box working version of TS and RA2 at hand.
In german too!
Yes, Yes and Yes.
I don’t like spam but, one more message, because it’s my favorite game collection. = D +1000 to add this collection on gog, great idea.
Oh, Yes pls +10 000 :p ( multi langue version pls . > English / French / German for text and vidéo pls pls pls ) =D I buy directly. ( sorry for my bad english, i'm not )
I really want this for Generals
I really want this for Generals
I would like to play Tiberian Sun
Command and Conquer games are a must-have on GOG store.
would <3
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