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Civilization: Call to Power
This was my introduction to Civilization games.
Add it without "Civilization:" unto it if it's needed; thanks
CIV CtP ist das Spiel das ich am meisten spielte, immer und immer wieder CtP2 ist höflich gesagt Müll, ich hab es gekauft und versucht zu spielen (5-6 mal), doch es kommt dabei kein spass auf :(
CIV CtP is the Game i played most, ever and ever again, while CIV CtP2 just good is for the (virtual) Garbage (i tried this Crap, about -6 Times and nver i had really Fun :(
Please add -- better then CTP II
Please add this game!
Civilization: Call to Power 1 is one of my all time favorite games, but having just updated to Windows 11, it seems like I've finally lost the ability to play this game. It ran fine on Windows 10, and I was playing it happily just a few days ago. I hope very much it will one day make it to someplace like GOG and be playable like other old classics like Alpha Centauri.
Only one of the best games of all time.
I know this game is affected by the legal mess all those years ago however surely GoG can remove the Civilization name from the game title screen and other areas making it free of the Civ name like CTP2 is.
I would watch my brother play this when I was a child. I'd like to play it if possible. :)
I would love to have this game come back somehow. I would beg my friend a lot growing up to play this game back in high school.
I'd happily pay full price for this game. One of the most deeply strategic (but deceptively simple) online turn based games there's ever been.
Why sell that aberration, CTP II, but not the unequalled original?
Give it to us
add this game please it is great
This game is incredible and I would LOVE to have it.
Please, I want it. I have to have it.
Yes, please offer this. We will buy it.
better than call to power II come on give
Please please please. None of the Sid Meyers's latest games were as good as this one.
I really miss this game. My disk broke a decade ago. I played the maps I had downloaded till that computer didn't work anymore. If you can get this "working" on modern systems, I'd appreciate it. ;)
Pretty please with sugar on top??
bitte auf deutsch
I used to play it a lot when I was younger.
I still have the original CD.
Please ~~~
I have a handfull of bucks, and I am eager to spend them on this ~~~
please bring this game to GOG.
I have dollars. Get this game, and I give you them, no questions asked.
20+ years ago, a bunch of us wasted many happy hours playing this online. - I don't have another 20 years left, so please do a favour for this old man.
And there be dollars in it for you too, eleven of them!
This is the only game on my wish list! Please bring to GOG!
Loved this game! Got the strategy guide and studied it as systematically as I could. Got to the point where I learned a trick to beat the A.I Entity. It is now my faithful servant
Did anybody else figure it out? Am eager to meet other players. Thanks.
The best Civ game EVER! Truly masterpiece! Thousand times "Please!", dear GOG!
Played this game in an online league, twenty years ago, and I've never had as much fun with any game since. Never met such a great bunch of people. Please, get it added.
Please with this game! Along with Civ2, this game was my childhood, so good, I would love to be able to play this again on my mac, I need the port! Please! Please! Please!..........Please?
Awesome game, great soundtrack! Please bring it alive!
I was playing this game online, but then the servers closed down. - Would give anything to see it available again. - There's probably a few people posting here I used to play against. :)
If needed, I can give the original CDs of the game. Just ask. :D
Iso o physical disk, just ask.
Me too. I wish CTP1 to be available in GOG. First because the game itself but last and not least GOG seems to me a serious site and with good judgement.
Removing the word 'Civilizationi' from Civ:CTP and renaming the game CTP1 might go a long way. After all, "Homeworld: Cataclysm" was finally made available on GOG as "Homeworld: Emergence" after similar concerns (Blizzard trademarked the reference Cataclysm in a game title - if we're not careful every word in the English dictionary is trademarked, what's wrong with people - abuse of the intended purpose of trademarks and copyrights (same happens with patents)). Seriously...
Please please please, this is my favorite Civ game of them all. Only Alpha Centauri is better.
Despite what critics said about it back in the day, this is way better than the sequel. Would be fantastic to see it on here.
Modern day Civ' games could learn from this one. Please add it! It's almost impossible to find anywhere else, so be the first.
Only just discovered this was the name of the game I used to play, I was sure it was a civ game for years but couldn't place the name. Shame to find it's not digitally purchaseable trying to run old games from disks hasn't been working out for me lately *diablo2uugh*. Would love to see it on here.
btw, the slaver, cleric, lawer are awesome units by themselves.
civ:CtP is a unique civ-like game that definitely must be on GoG. it has many inventive and superb mechanics even by today's standarts (like public works, water/space terrain improvements, unconventional warfare, etc.). I am certain that many missed civ:CtP since it released not long before civ3 and went largely unnoticed by the press.
While Sid Meier civ games were fun, they were also serious. However, the call to power series felt like that wacky black sheep of the family that liked to get drunk off whiskey and beer, go fishin with dynamite, hit on women at family reunions, and hunt deer with bows... from the back of a moving truck while chasing said deer. It has some seriousness to it, but with eco terrorists, lawers, eco rangers, slaves, and the occasional civ mutiny, it was comical and always left me wanting more. Also, what other game can fight by land, by sea, and in space at the same time? It's awesome!
Unfortunately, my CD lost it's ghost long ago. I feel like I need a moment of silence in respect for the CD.
... It's so hard to let go of yesterday. RIP my CTP CD.
The single best game I'd ever buy. I had this as a kid, and now I want a digital copy. Please please please.
The best Civilization game to come out. Simple yet complicated. Fascinating from the Stone Age to the Space Age. Warfare ranges from brutally tribal to exquisitely British only to be annihilated by tank warfare and the discovery of fusion technology. Quelling riots, retaking a revolting city, playing the delicate balance between food, gold, and production make for dynamic gameplay and a truly unique view of how guns, germs and steel helped to shape our world today.
Yep, still want this on GOG. Space and Ocean and future tech was just too cool.
OMG I need this.
Civ: Call to Power is a unique civ-like game: underwater cities, unconventional warfare, a space layer (launch units into space & build cities), many different governments, streamlined tile improvement/terraform interface.
Civ: Call to Power should definitely be on GoG!
I CANNOT get my old copy to actually run on widows 7. Please feature this game so I can get it again! My favorite civ game alongside AC.
Call to Power 1 was a great game despite some flaws. I miss the space program that was removed when creating CTP 2. It was so much fun to get to space and threaten your opponest from wa above. And the modders did some great work with this. Like Alpha Centurai perhaps you will favor us with a combo CTP pack. Pretty Please?
The space layer and age advancement system made this game stand out in the genre, it definitely deserves resurrection by GOG!
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