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Cities: Skylines
Hoping this wonderful game becomes available on my favorite place to buy pc games GOG. please make it happen
Paradox pls
With CS II coming and the end of new content for the first game, Paradox may be willing to bring it to GOG now. Considering we have CK2, and even EU4 and Stellaris that are still being developed, there is a possibility.
Make sure less bugs...
Cities 2 has been announced, if it's not the right time for the first part to appear on gog at last then i don't know
We have Europa Universalis IV and we want Cities too.
I have this game in steam but i dont play it! Why? Because the many restrictions steam imposes on me. So i wait.. either for a GOG version or another city building game that good.
Would love to get this game on here! Support DRM-FREEDOM!
what took it so long
I have it on steam with almost all DLC. I would buy again from GOG!
I have the game on Steam and Console.
I wouldn't mind to buy it again on GOG.
It's an old game and it's been cracked this whole time.
At this point there's no reason WHATSOEVER why this shouldn't be DRM-free on GOG.
why is it that hard to have this game on gog?
come on surviving mars is on gog why city skyline not
Still waiting for you guys to release it through gog
With their recent insistence on shoving a launcher down Steam users' throats I really doubt they will have an open ear for what must be to them the ultimate doom fantasy: a launcher-less and DRM-free copy of the game that they cannot even force update.
But sure, try to be the next Epic, Paradox. I'm sure once everyone has your launcher and sees your launcher-exclusive promotions they will quickly buy every single game you release and forget all about the ruckus you caused...
I mean even Epic kinda got away with it and holy heck did they mismanage basically EVERYTHING at the beginning. Nothing a few weeks of free games can't fix apparently... *sigh*
I'm just waiting for this game to be available on GOG to buy it. I think I have nothing more to say.
Is there any Information if it ever get released on gog. Did gog or paradox even talked with each other?
I want it really bad, but if it means i have to buy it on steam than Paradox i hate you mote and more, wound buy it on steam and one day you are like EA or Bathesta. Never going to buy from this shitty publishers.
So, is there any Info? Question for gog staff.
Paradox, if you're listening, it would only boost your standing amongst gamers and your loyal fanbase if you released all your titles on GOG. Think of the extra $$$
C'mon Paradox! You're supposed to be anti-DRM but you're only publishing on Steam which is the defacto DRM platform on PC! Come here, to the only truly DRM-free platform, and we'll give you our money!!
I'd be so happy if this city builder showed up with all the DLC. Please make this dream come true!!!
I was just thinking about finally buying this game.
But if I can't get it DRM free I am not sure if it's worth it.
I want to take my vote back, I didn't realize this was made by paradox interactive and I don't like them because of how they nickle and dime everyone on a million microtransaction DLC's. I feel like they treat people the same as EA so I never buy from them. I'm so disappointed this is from them. Please unvote my vote on this gog.
Still waiting.
I was hoping GOG had this game. I refuse to join and buy from Steam. Amazon had it....steamed of course Very Disappointing. I'll wait till GOG has it.
It would be so cool to have it on GOG withour DRM and with all the DLCs. Would definitifly buy it!
It would be a good oportunity for GOG to release an open modding-platform.
I'd definitely love to see it come to GOG. I have it on Steam, but I'd probably repurchase it on GOG for the DRM free goodness. (But GOG Connect would be grand <3)
And don't miss any DLC.
Still waiting.
This game looks interesting. Release it DRM-free, and I might buy it. I will not feed liberal Steam platform.
I'll wait, Waited for Trine 2 for two years to play but I doubt Paradox will allow gog the right to sell it... They seem more stuck up than usually these days.
2 years and still nothing. Well, I guess I will have to buy it on Steam then... Just kidding, I'll keep waiting ! I played for years SC4 without any mods. I don't care about cutting myself from Steam workshop.
after watching a recent 'lets play' of this game I can say without a doubt that I would insta buy if GoG would offer it. Looks like a perfect builder game
since 2015? ... that's sad. Please gog release it here
This wish is there for 3 years now and yet not fulfilled, how arsh ?
Yep, I'll definitely buy this game here. I already have on Steam. But I'm ditching Steam. DRM-Free <3
Please add this with all its expansions. I would surely get this. Want to get all my games that is steam here in GOG
Yes? Yes? :D
With GOG Connect please :)
I would buy the game with all expansions on instantly. I love the game but i dont like steam anymore. is the better alternative to steam. I want to >own< the games. i dont care about the workshop.
I would love to see Cities: Skylines released here at GOG
Steam workshop support IS NOT CRITICAL, it is only a BONUS.
Please release the game on GOG.
Please, PLEASE, for the love of all that is Chronowolf, PLEEEE-E-E-E-E-ASE
Just saw totalbiscuit's video on this game.. I need it!!
GOG needs even more city building games. There can never be too many.
I don't see a reason why they wouldn't port Cities: Skylines to GOG if the Steam workshop was an issue, there's already a website that exists to fill the gap:
192 comments about this wish