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With cat tails wildwood being released soon on some other drm platform ensuring profits, it would be nice to get a drm free release of the original cat tails to own!
There are not nearly enough cat games on GOG. This needs to be here.
I really would like to see Cattails on GOG. Could we, you know, maybe get that? I'd buy it? :3
Sorry I made a mistake on the link for Pinstar's Lets Play of Cattails.
It's like Stardew Valley but with Cats. Looks super fun and here is a youtuber who has a lets play of it out. Pinstar - <iframe width="560" height="315" <a href="src=""" class="light_un" target="_blank">src=""</a> frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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