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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
If Konami won’t do it, then we should. This game consistently ranks on every list of the top 10 PS1 games. It’s a cornerstone of gaming history and deserves to be available here.
Yes please
Played through it for the first time via emulation. I'm willing to give Konami money for a GOG or Steam release.
Game is incredible, would love a port to GOG.
I am all in for a re-release! Bring it to GOG.
yes a need a pc port
I want to see Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on PC and in GOG :) If it can be done, please, please, please do it.
The moment SOTN touch the store i insta buy it no brainer.
Please! Bring it to GOG :pray:
I need Castlevania: SOTN on PC ! GOG please make it happen.
I really wanted to see this game here. If the game has already been made available on mobile, why not make it available on PC?
would buy
must have!
i need it biblically
By the way, it is not at all necessary to make a port of this game. Now there are many modern games that originally appeared on a different platform and run in an emulated shell. In the name of the Belmonts, just let us run this on PC!
instant buy
Voted !
yes pls wwe need this
This needs to happen.
Please make this happen.... The PS1 original disc is still €220,- and up.
yes pls
Please GOG, make this happen.
give me game gog
The internet needs to apply pressure on konami, they must be owned by yakuza to be such assholes. You have to pay exorbitant amount to even get in ps1 game disk.
Instant buy!
I will pay any amount of money to own this game again, alas since it is not here I will have to emulate it again it has been some years.
Absolutely I would buy this no questions asked if released on PC
This! If you get this it's an instant buy!
This game has already been ported to Android, so there is no reason to not be ported to pc.
They already have some of the games on the site now.
Looks like it IS possible! Don't let us down, Konami! Don't chicken out!
This is good publicity up for grabs.
@Torrvic Your words are as empty as your soul.
I think it is impossible. Why bother then? That was a great game for PS1 but not for PC.
Back in old days I played the original Japanese copy on PSX with a god damn real life paper script book. Then I quit it when the castle becomes upside down. I really wish it to release on PC. It's up to Konami whether they release or not.
este juego es un joya gog deberia tenerlo en la tienda pero ya !!!
I really hope
If we finally get Devil's Castle Dracula on GOG, Nocturne of the Moonlight/Symphony of the night should be the version from the Dracula X Chronicles on PSP.
All the 8 bit and 16 bit games from 1 to 3 and Super 4 should be the Famicom Floppy and Super Famicom versions, all with fan translations. (one for Devil's Castle Legend does indeed exist) Maybe also give us the Dracula X Chronicles version of Rondo of Blood too.
If this will be released on GOG (very unlikely, because it's a PS1 game), then bring a Japanese version with English fan translation.
Perhaps GOG may be able to do deals on emulated console games in future, but Konami would probably prefer to wrap their emulater in DRM. No point in requesting non-PC games right now until it's something GOG does.
This game's been ported to the 360 and other systems. Konami has a crappy track record with porting anything to PC, but never say never.
If Konami can port Castlevania: Lords of Shadow over to the PC, anything can happen.
requested site features: upload console games...
you do realize this is the requested section of the site right?
Birth of the Metroidvania.
And important part of gaming history.
there are windows games emulated for mac... why cant they be console games emulated for both
... You do realize this site is for PC games, right?
48 comments about this wish