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Adventures of Lomax
“I’d buy that for a dollar” (or even much more - I really like this game and I own a physical copy of it *but* my urge to add games to virtual list on GOG/Steam is hard to tame xd).
Yes, please!
I was so in love with this game. The soundtrack, the graphics - it was breathtaking. Too bad it was so pixelated on PC if you tried to play in big window. I'd love to play it again, especially if you can make graphics look good :)
Chciałbym żeby Lomax pojawił się ofercie GOG :)
Wonderful platform game. Add it pls to GOG.
Lomax to była super platformówka jestem jak najbardziej by pojawiła się na gog bo nie jeden gracza miał to na kompie
+1 Indeed - The Adventures of Lomax HD - what a treat that would be.
No messages for 2 years? Come on, this needs to happen.. :(
- Joy/pad is working after deleting dinput.dll in game folder
- CD musics can be played using OGG track files with fake winmm.dll like X-wing (1998) game.
(for winmm.dll on win10 x64, it's better to rename winmm.dll by example _inmm.dll and replace in lomax.exe with HEX editor winmm.dll by _inmm.dll=>if not game can freeze at startup)
You can play great Lomax game on win7 & win10 with little fix:
for better video rander, you cna use dgVoodoo2.
but no joystick support (i try several dinput.dll)
a GOG using all this patch and pad/joy support on GOG will be a good news;)
I still have my old CD. Don't think it'll work on my Windows 10 machine though.
It runs perfectly on Win7, but you need to MANUALLY switch to 16 bit graphics
The game is 20 years old this year and like many elders has some "special needs" Like switching your monitor to 16 bit mode, but it is nothing to be afraid of! The whole distributive weighs mere 11- megabytes!
I just bought a CD of this for my Win9x nostalgia PC, but I'd re-buy it on GOG in a heartbeat.
Oh i googled lomax gog and when something actually poped up i was so hyped that i will be actually able to buy this gem that i overlooked that it was just comunity whislist :(. So pretty please add this dont let me be sad forever :D.
Most beautiful, gorgeous game I ever played. I loved that you could put down platforms to help you on the way, and use other powers. :)
I remember that in Poland this game was fully translated. And it was work of CD-Project (which from what I remember is associated with ;)
Would be real hit on GOG! :) Awesome game...
I wonder if Polish version would be included, considering CD Projekt published it. Not that there's a lot of text, but still.
I loved this game when I was a kid. An amazing and challenging action platformer. Too bad it doesn't work on modern systems.
+1 for Lomax. I'd buy it immediately.
For all fans here are some links:
If gog adds lomax I will be oooooooING for the rest of my life!
This was my favorite platformer when I was a kid. I'd LOVE to see it on GOG.
Was just adding this to the wish list! Looking for this game also! Please add it!
Please add it and take my money.
P.S. This is really great old school platformer.
This game really needs some GOG treatment. I have to jump through a lot of hoops to make it work on XP, and I imagine it's harder on later versions without any VM software.
This and Rayman 1 met all my platforming needs when I were a wee lad. I would love to see this game on I would love to add this to my collection
Even if the support is very small for this one, I hope they will eventually release it. It's a perfect addition to the almost non existent platformer library on this site, as well as a good game for those who loved Rayman or similar games to that. Beautiful graphics, awesome music and varied levels. Making it work again (gog release) would be perfect for this pearl.
This game played a huge part in my childhood. I'd pay $20 to see this game return to PC in the form of a digital download.
I fail to see why this game didn't really become a widely known classic. So yeah, GoG, I beseech you to lend us your powers and bring us Lomax back!
Yes, please.
I still have the original CD but it won't really work anymore. I would LOVE for this game to become available here on GOG.
Beautiful, brilliant gem.
Brilliant platformer.
Holy gosh, this game was amazing.
38 comments about this wish