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Release the GOG Galaxy client for linux
At the moment I am using Heroic Games Launcher for all my GOG games.
However. It would be great if we could get proper native Linux support maybe with Proton-integration. <3
To run a Linux version of the client means you would be restricted to Linux games. If you want to play all your games, run GoG in Wine.
Lutris has GoG Galaxy built in. Click the switch, and use Galaxy there.
Linux ❤️
It's time to play on Linux ! ;)
Thank you for keeping games DRM free!
I look forward to a native linux client.
I refuse to buy anything on GOG as long as you don't have an official client for Linux. As a Linux user, I just don't feel welcome. In fact, GOG seems outright hostile. Valve supports Linux for a decade now.
However, I'm sympathic to a European solution and my offer to help porting the client still stands (full time Qt/QML developer with some PoCo experience).
I can never truly leave Steam for you until your client runs natively on Linux.
Ideally, you would also integrate support for Wine.
Come on, GOG. It's time.
There are way more people using Linux to game than MacOS. You selll games with native linux versions. Why hasn't Galaxy for Linux happened yet ?
Is there any actual statement that it's not going to happens ?
I'm ok to wait, but if there is no point I'll have to think of another setup to play. I may one day hate Windows more than I hate DRM
Don't send me email to ask me to update my GOG galaxy client when you're not supporting the OS I'm using. Please make GOG happen on Linux
With the release of the steam deck and other similar handhelds also coming out with SteamOS. I think it would be a very good idea to port the GoG client over linux when possible. I'd at least support Debian and Fedora which should cover most distro's.
It's heartbreaking that there's no support for Linux :(
Steam OS is slowly getting closer to a full release and Windows 10 support is ending in october. I plan on switching to linux and would love a native solution for GOG te be available.
I did not honestly know, that there isn't a Linux client. This is weird.
Well, i'm moving and so are many others. How about it GOG?
+1 (open/net/free/*)BSD
Windows is a gaming operating system
Linux is an actual operating system
Linux will be king amongst gamers lads.. so please think about it GOG. Valve is doing great improvements to bring gaming to Linux.. you can do the same. We know is all about bussiness and Linux numbers are not that great for corpos.. but come on GOG!
GOG + Linux =
I prefer to download my games from the internet, I just don't care about the client. But there are games that require it to play online, very specific (but there are) and that's why I need them to release GOG Galaxy for Linux (An AppImage or Flatpak), so I can enjoy those specific games; And because I don't like Windows almost as much as I don't like to play games with DRM (Steam, Epic, etc).
get on it
I'm doing my part! Release GOG Galaxy for Linux! :)
due you think if we boycotted gog & buy games elsewhere they would then release an official full featured client ...? only asking as its the only reason i haven't bought the ones in my wishlist yet & a few others i've been looking at & assume some of you are the same due to how many votes there currently are & its going up by the day ... that a lot of income they aren't getting already ... imagine how much that would go up if we all used another marketplace how much they would lose per month .
GOG Please. This could be such a huge thing, especially with the steam deck and future systems adopting steam os.
You could bring in some more clients and sales if you would support linux launcher
just changed from windows 11 to bazzite because windows again broke my system with an forced update, so broke i could not restart windows in the end.
we need our daily GOG fix...
yes please!
Linux ❤️
4000+ comments here for a Linux client. Considering less than 1% of people actually leave comments it's reasonable to presume you have a large userbase who want a Linux client with proton support. Come on GOG! If the community can make Heroic and Lutris you can make a bug free GOG Linux client. People want to own their games, but they don't want to play them on Windows because it's $h!t! Come on GOG, "DO IT, DO IT NOW!"
GOG wake up, Linux is gaming reality now, so do your job and give us a native client. You can do it ;)
Please, please give linux users a good client with proton/wine integration! I want to play DRM free games on linux!
With the growing popularity of SteamOS on PC, more and more people will be moving to Linux. GOG Galaxy's support for this system is just what we as gamers need. Windows is increasingly losing out to Linux - W10 will officially end support at the end of this year, not everyone will be able to afford to move to W11 due to hardware requirements, and the upcoming W12 will be a resource-intensive monstrosity full of AI features for even more surveillance of its users. Linux is the future of gaming. The lack of GOG Galaxy support for this system is the only thing that makes me still use Windows. Please, GOG Team, you can do it, we believe in you.
We need a Linux client please
GOG, please, listen. Updating a linux game on your site is just to annoying. I used to be a regular consumer here, but I stopped because it's just to painful. Some of the games I own here have many DLCs (Gladius, NeverWinter Nights, ...). NeverWinter requires me to download manually 9 files! For Gladius it's 12! And the devs update their game regularly! Which is ver nice, we want updated games and DLC are good. But without an automatic update tool, it's too painful. On steam, it's fully automatic. But I don't like DRM. So you're forcing me to choose between an extremely bad DRM-free experience or the 2025 standard experience but with DRM. By the way, the heroic launcher exists, its great, but we all know that volunteer projects always get abandoned at some point for legit reasons. So without an official support from you, I just can't take the risk buying games here. To be honest, I'm even forced to buy games again on Steam because the GOG experience on Linux is so bad I prefer buying them again on Steam to have a good experience. I make you promise: release galaxy on Linux or officially support the heroic launcher (with engineering time and everything!) and I'll gladly buy games here again.
Considering many Europeans switch to Linux now, it would make sense with a client on Linux. Please bring this to us
GOG already offers Linux versions of games (which has the option), so why don't we get a native client? In this climate, it only makes sense to have it available as people look to escape US based operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS for Europe based Linux distributions. Help make Linux a realistic option for the majority!
@Draqun achievements and tracking as far as Ive tested are working via heroic .
CD Projekt, please. We Linux folk REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need this!
Come on GoG. I still buy the vast majority of my games on Steam, because they have a native Linux client and Proton integration. Proton is even open source! Just partner with Valve and integrate it into Galaxy. Linux gaming needs more support!
I switched to Linux a few months ago and everything runs surprisingly well, thanks to Valve's Proton. Wanted to give Dino Crisis a spin since it just got released on GOG, but unexpectedly noticed that there is ZERO support for the Galaxy client on Linux. And running on Wine manually makes ya wanna whine.
Am I going to have to switch over to Steam too?
Is there any information they will gonna work on Linux client?
How is this not a thing with the Steam Deck?
The time is right since there will be soon much more Linux installations on hardware that Microsoft does not want support anymore. GOG on GOH!
Please support a native Linux client.
While having Lutris does help a little, I still would like to use native GOG client with cloud sync.
Another Penguin here who also despises Steam and would prefer to play on GOG
Soooo atleast online and achievements are now working on heroic . Cloud saves hopefully make it in due time as well .
Why is GoG so against linux? I can't even download the exe to try to run it though wine.
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