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import wishlist from steam
The extension sadly doesn't work for me. Neither with firefox (can't log into gog) nor chrome where it seems like it's importing, but when it's done, nothing is imported.
D2ACH's extension worked for me. thanks mate!
I tried your extension D2ACH but sadly its giving an "error imporing wishlist, please try again later".
And I'm perfectly logged on both account.
Thanks D2ACH for the extension! Can you make the same, but for EGS?
I've created a chrome extension that helps you to import your Steam wishlist to your account.
The code is here:
so, anything new?
Yes please
I was the 900th plus. I feel accomplieshed
Can I add that I'm not going through all 400 ish games on my steam wishlist and add them here. Sure, 'gg deals' and 'is there any deal' are all great, but, it would be nice.
Was googling it and ended up here. Looking forward to this feature.
Looking a little more... I feel disappointed... This has been a request since 2016...
To refroce, I want to start buying games here. As of right now, I mostly buy on Uplay and Steam, and importing my wishlist to GoG, will make my library to grow here because I will lurk more.
hahah I didn't even had to finish my sentence and Google suggested it to me. here I am and I see many other want the same. So, when, please??
I second the motion.
Deeply needed :)
Yes please !
Came here to post this suggestion. +1 !
we need a wishlist that check games on every account we links, steam, epic games, origins, uplay ... so we can share only this wishlist and it's easy to update
I have 1700 items on my Steam Wishlist. This would be awesome!
All the late arrivals that are on the bottom of my Steam wishlist in the "If it comes to GOG" section...
Getting them to pop here automatically when they finally arrive would be nice.
Yeah this would be super usefull and bring you cash.
I ended up transfering my Steam wishlist over to GOG and wrote a guide with an AutoHotkey script that you can copy/paste that can help those with large Steam wishlists transfer them more quickly to GOG
With the awesome new return policy, I don't really have many reasons to buy from Steam (except maybe games that have a Steam-only killer feature like easy mods, etc.).
If I could automatically import my Steam wishlist, that would be HUGE because then I would be checking GOG far, far more than Steam.
good one!
This is a good one. I had to manually check for every game from Steam as to whether it is on GOG (100+), including all the wish-listed games. An automatic check sounds very appropriate.
I'd love something like this too. Aside of the obvious GOG benefits, some games work better (Fallout 3), or have extra goodies that the Steam releases don't.
I want it!!!
I have about 500+ titles on my Steam wishlist.
Not all of them are available on GOG.
However, for the ones that are, I would prefer to hold out on buying them on Steam since I do appreciate GOGs non-DRM position and would rather own the game via a GOG purchase
seriously? this isn't a feature yet?
I'd even accept a way to bulk input titles... json or one title per line plaintext or something. anything to save having to search for dozens of games.
The more flaming hoops they make their customers jump through the less sales they'll get. I'm not going to spend all day scrolling through tiles or typing in search fields when I can get to so less painfully through Steam. I love DRM / Game ownership. I think GoG is doing great things. But at the end of the day, I value my time over GoG or Steam.
This would be so useful!
Its not hard to do, Fanatical does it via browser plugin, and snaps the data when you login to steam via the website.
as someone with 200+ itens on Steam's wishlist, this would bring me closer to migrating to GOG
I've been thinking about switching over to GOG almost completely but I need this feature.
I would love this! While Steam is fantastic, when I can support GOG/CD Projekt Red I do so.
Hopefully this becomes a feature with GOG Galaxy 2.0. Or at least have a wishlist that breaks down for all systems/clients.
this is an absolute must if GOG hopes to gain my attention over Steam.
Fanatical uses a browser addon to import the Steam wishlist, it shouldn't be too complicated to recreate this functionality for GOG.
We want nothing to do with Steam.
pretty surprised this is not already a feature
Can't believe this does not have more votes. I have 100+ games on my Steam wishlist, but prefer to buy anything available on GOG there. But manually transferring all items ....
to the top with you!
43 comments about this wish