Release: Not For Broadcast: Live & Spooky DLC, Season Pass, Deluxe Edition and Soundtrack

Did you ever want to be in charge of a TV broadcast and decide which camera angles to show, which swears to bleep, when to run ads to keep the sponsors happy and so on? Well you certainly can do that in Not For Broadcast – first-person, simulation dark comedy of televised chaos that lets you pick what you want to see on TV, no matter what anybody else wants.
And we are more than happy to say that its Original Soundtrack, Live & Spooky DLC, Season Pass and Deluxe Edition are now all available on GOG!
In the Live & Spooky DLC you've been asked to work late on a special episode of everyone's favorite paranormal ghost-hunting show, "Live & Spooky". It's taking place in an abandoned film studio owned by the late father of none other than an esteemed reporter and news maven, Patrick Bannon. A sudden death in suspicious circumstances led to the studio shutting down years ago. Nobody alive knows the truth, but perhaps the dead have the answers? At least, that's what the TV guide says. It's going to be a long night... and you're not even getting paid overtime.
They've got ghost cams, spooky blue lights and an enthusiastic and totally genuine spirit medium on the set tonight, but it's up to you to put it all together.
Live & Spooky is designed to be played more than once. You'll need to keep your wits about you and your eyes and ears open for clues to uncover the real mystery behind the ill-fated studio.
Not For Broadcast Season Pass grants access to Live & Spooky and two more upcoming episodes (Bits of Your Life, The Timeloop) as they release. Each a self-contained story, set early into the events of the main game. You’ll meet new and returning characters, solve puzzles in non-linear branching gameplay and - of course - enjoy a healthy dose of dark comedy.
Deluxe Edition of Not For Broadcast on the other hand contains both the base game and its Season Pass, as well as Original Soundtrack.
Check out the game, its DLC, Season Pass, Deluxe Edition and Soundtrack, and enjoy the huge amounts of fun that they provide. Have a good one!

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