Publisher Sale: Akupara Games with deals up to -85%

Hand-crafted, beautiful indie titles that ooze passion from their creators – this is exactly what Akupara Games provides with the games published by them. Morevoer, they've recently celebrated their 7th anniversary!
And now you can grab them up to 85% off during the Akupara Games Publisher Sale! Whether you're a fan of action, adventure, or heartwarming narratives, a seasoned gamer or someone that’s just starting their gaming journey – you won’t be disappointed with having them in your library!
Don’t miss bargains on games like:
Rain World (-60%)
GRIME (-35%)
The Darkside Detective (-70%)
Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy (-25%)
Zoeti (-15%)
…and of course more – all to be found HERE.
Indie games have been storming the industry for quite some time now, and it is incredibly easy to see why when you look at the gems from Akupara Games. Check out the deals and enjoy the sea of fun! The sale lasts until October 27th, 10 PM UTC.

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