Renowned X-series composer Alexei Zakharov has composed a beautiful and atmospheric soundtrack to accompany players on their journey into the realms of the peace-loving Boron. The official soundtrack consists of 15 original tracks, each designed to transport the listener into the captivating world o...
Renowned X-series composer Alexei Zakharov has composed a beautiful and atmospheric soundtrack to accompany players on their journey into the realms of the peace-loving Boron. The official soundtrack consists of 15 original tracks, each designed to transport the listener into the captivating world of X4: Kingdom End. With Zakharov's unique style and expertise, players can expect to be fully immersed in the game's thrilling journey of discovery.
Get into it, embarking on a musical journey and feeding your anticipation for the release of X4: Kingdom End on April 12th, 2023.
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