This package includes:
20 tracks from the soundtrack for the game (320 kbps .MP3, .WAV)
1 bonus track which may or may not include horse farts (.MP3, .WAV)
1 wallpaper for your computer
1 vintage stereogram from ca. 1993
What the composer?
Sune Kølster is a Copenhagen based music composer, with a...
20 tracks from the soundtrack for the game (320 kbps .MP3, .WAV)
1 bonus track which may or may not include horse farts (.MP3, .WAV)
1 wallpaper for your computer
1 vintage stereogram from ca. 1993
What the composer?
Sune Kølster is a Copenhagen based music composer, with a master degree in symphonic filmscoring, a background in hardcore punk, and an obsession with middle-eastern music - not your typical game-audio-designer. He has been working with Triband since their very first game KEYBOARD SPORTS, and was a part of the WHAT THE GOLF? team from the very beginning. The score was developed concurrently with the development of the game, where the red thread through all the levels was the quirky and edgy sing-a-long-barbershop feeling, with the composer's voice as the main musical drive.
1. WHAT THE GOLF? - 2:05
2. Home in One - 1:35
3. Everything is golf - 1:01
4. Soccer for Golf - 1:44
5. Super Golfio - 1:43
6. Access Denied - 0:30
7. The Big LeGOLFski - 1:58
8. Sporty Sports! - 1:38
9. Golf is a lie - 1:45
10. Gravity makes me feel down - 1:29
11.Golf Rocks - 1:24
12. Super Putt - 2:32
13. Driving Range - 1:19
14. Ahoy - 1:04
15. Oh Crab! - 1:36
16. Once Upon A Time In The Golf - 3:04
17. Dark Side Of The Golf - 2:34
18. The Frog King - 1:14
19. Triumph Of The Green - 1:39
20. Golf Love - 3:39
21. Regular Meeting - 7:57
A horse walks into a bar....
soundtrack (MP3)
soundtrack (WAV)
1 vintage stereogram from ca. 1993
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