Sit back and enjoy the official soundtrack of What Lies in the Multiverse, complete with all 55 original tracks from the game. The songs are divided into two main groups: character music and stage music, all composed by Vicente Aguiló and arranged by Ronny Antares. Indulge your ears with a wide vari...
Sit back and enjoy the official soundtrack of What Lies in the Multiverse, complete with all 55 original tracks from the game. The songs are divided into two main groups: character music and stage music, all composed by Vicente Aguiló and arranged by Ronny Antares. Indulge your ears with a wide variety of genres, including energetic swing, pop rock, techno, classical, and more.
Discover 1:17
Where We All Meet 2:42
Where We All End 2:41
The Magician 2:13
Magic! 1:38
Through the Leaves 3:57
Through the Corpses 4:04
No Coffee Left 1:20
No One Left 1:22
Unstable 1:35
Friendly Faces 2:05
Friendly Fire 2:05
What Can I Serve You? 1:19
Get Out 1:20
Your Strength 2:08
YOU Are Unstable 1:20
We're Just Starting 2:16
Where the Sun Burns 2:37
Where the Sun Ends 2:37
Voyagers 1:30
Shine the Brightest! 1:24
Carried Away 2:21
Enjoy Your Ride 2:32
A Calming Voice 2:29
Night on the Streets 3:05
Flowers on the Streets 3:06
Night Life 2:08
Death Blossom 2:08
Pussy, Money, Catnip 1:11
Daddy Needs a New Jacket 1:28
Under the Spotlight 1:46
Song to Listen To While Being Chased by an Injured Man Wearing a Tree Costume in a Sewer 1:44
A Grasp of Fresh Air 2:51
No Air for the Unchanged 2:51
My Open Heart 1:30
Crumbling 1:11
Lost 1:33
My Broken Heart 1:05
The Labyrinth 2:45
The Heist of the Millennium 1:02
Another Day in Horacio's Life 0:15
Where's the Fire 1:20
Feels Like Space 4:25
ecapS ekiL sleeF 4:25
Impulsive Buyer 1:34
Dear Edward, 1:26
Reading About You 8:14
You Can't Handle the Truth! 2:21
Empty 3:40
Knowledge 1:08
Voices 2:56
Freedom 5:39
Goodbye 1:18
Across the Multiverse 4:41
Good Luck, Kid 1:55
soundtrack (wav)
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