The original soundtrack of the mind-bending triangle adventure, plus the official artbook. Answer the Monk's plea to find a Fox and learn about the power of the TRI in the Odd God's world!
The soundtrack contains the single in-game music tracks, as well as complete, full length tracks. in the for...
The original soundtrack of the mind-bending triangle adventure, plus the official artbook. Answer the Monk's plea to find a Fox and learn about the power of the TRI in the Odd God's world!
The soundtrack contains the single in-game music tracks, as well as complete, full length tracks. in the formats MP3 and FLAC. It was composed by Ludwig Hanisch.
Additional credits:
Marco Stanke (E-Guitar)
Alexander Müller alias MangoMue (Mastering)
MangoMue & Kantorweiss (Remixes)
The artbook (format: PDF) is full of background information about the history of the game, artworks, pictures of the game's development, and the developers' commentary.
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