Torii is an instrospective journey.
Follow Ipa on an unusual adventure. She will have to overcome her greatest fears and fight against guilt to find her little sister.
Torii is an adventure/puzzle game with an artistical aproach, full of surreal landscapes, strange creatures and emotions develop...
Torii is an instrospective journey.
Follow Ipa on an unusual adventure. She will have to overcome her greatest fears and fight against guilt to find her little sister.
Torii is an adventure/puzzle game with an artistical aproach, full of surreal landscapes, strange creatures and emotions developed by one person.
Key Features:
Explore surreal landscapes with Ipa and Moswig searching for memories to save little Lulu.
Discover the secrets behind this peculiar story with a different and poetic narrative format.
Switch between realities to achieve your goal or explore new areas.
Walk alongside Moswig, your "spirit / backpack" companion, and discover why you should carry it.
Enjoy an incredible and original soundtrack composed by Adriano Martino.
Explore different scenarios throughout your adventure in search of memories or wings to run faster and unlock new areas.
Go into Astral mode for a limited time by interacting with prisms. Solve various puzzles, run and jump like you couldn't in your normal state. Combine several prisms to stay in the Astral for longer.
Talk to various characters that will accompany you on your adventure. Discover personal stories from other travelers stranded in Astrum's Kingdom.
Collect all the cards in the game by unlocking memories or solving problems of some travelers. In addition to contributing to the development of the main story, each of them keeps a poem with great meaning for Ipa and Moswig.
Solve puzzles, either to escape, get memories, or explore new areas.
Hums are small creatures that you must capture in the Astral to get memories or solve puzzles with their energy. Depending on the color on their head, they may have different behaviors. Some hide in the grass, others run faster, they may even camouflage themselves among other hums. "Capturing hums is like fishing in the Astral, you have to be patient if you want to do it fast," said a small kublin.
Enter the doors of perception that Astrum provides and find your way out. Each one has a different personality, as if it were a visual haiku.
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
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Рекомендуемые системные требования:
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